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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by year
The applicants brought an application for a declaratory order on the legality of the respondent’s debt collection activities. The first applicant is a body corporate established to regulate and protect the legal profession and all activities that fall under the legal profession’s mandate in Zimbabwe. The second applicant is a ratepayer in Harare who was served with a letter of demand from the respondent. The first respondent is a debt collector. More

At the hearing we dismissed the appeal against both conviction and sentence and indicated our reasons in an ex tempore judgment. More

The applicant applies for bail pending appeal. He was convicted on 8 counts of unlawful entry in aggravating circumstances as defined in s 131 (1) as read with s 131 (2) of the Criminal Law Codification & Reform Act, [Chapter 9:23]. The applicant was alleged to have acted with his 3 accomplices and broken into several residences where they stole property between the period 6 October, 2013 to 6 March, 2014. The applicant was sentenced to various terms of imprisonment by count with some counts made to run concurrently and in some counts with portions of imprisonment terms being suspended... More

This is an application for contribution towards costs wherein the applicant seeks an order compelling the respondent to contribute US$120 000-00 towards the applicant’s costs of suit in the divorce matter she instituted under case No. HC 10256/14. More

Family law -Chamber application for guardianship - This matter was placed before me in chambers. The applicant seeks an order that he be awarded guardianship of his almost seventeen year old grandchild K. N born on the 4th of November 2001. More

This case raises the preliminarypoint as to whetherthe HighCourt has power to review decisionsofaLabourCourt.It wasarguedin limine that the HighCourtdoesnothavejurisdiction toreviewlabourmatters. Thereasoningwas thatsince boththeHigh Court and the LabourCourthave the samepowersof reviewin labour matters,thisputs themat par. The first respondent argued that the applicant should have approached the Supreme Court on appeal sincethat court could have exercised its review powers in hearing the matter in terms of s 25 of the Supreme Court Act [Chapter7:13]. More

The two applicants are sister companies. In fact the second applicant is a management vehicle of the first applicant and they are represented by Michael Fowler who doubles up as a director of both of them. He has deposed to the founding affidavit in support of this summary judgment application on behalf of both of them. They seek an order for the eviction of the first respondent, a mining cooperative currently in occupation of and mining gold claims registration numbers 12731G, 12734G and 21715 BN situated in Chegutu, from those mining claims. The application is opposed by the first respondent... More