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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by year
The plaintiff and the first defendant are both widows as they lost their husbands in tragedy circumstances at different times. The plaintiff’s husband, Vernon Nathaniel Mwamuka died in a road traffic accident on 30 December 2001 whilst the first defendant’s husband, Euginio Enrico Mercuri, was killed by armed robbers at his house on 16 March 2008. More

This case is concerns a sale and transfer of property carried out contrary to a court order. More

This is an appeal against the decision of the High Court dated 2 July 2014 granting the respondent’s claim to the farm he is leasing from the State. More

The parties got married on 27 April 2013 in terms of the Marriage Act [Chapter 5:11]. No children were born out of the marriage. At the pre-trial conference they were agreed that their marriage had irretrievably broken down to the extent that there were no reasonable prospects of restoring it to a normal marriage. I will thus grant a decree of divorce. Two issues were referred for trial. a) How is the matrimonial property to be distributed between the parties? b) Whether the defendant can claim maintenance from the plaintiff? More

The background of the matter is that the first respondent obtained a judgment by consent against the second respondent and the third respondent and one Cuthbert Mazhude who was the third defendant in that matter on 26 February 2015 in Case No, MC 30534/14. On 20 March, 2015, the fourth respondent issued a warrant of execution against property. On 11 May, 2015, the fourth respondent attached movable property on No 12 Birkdale Drive Glenlorne, Harare. No. 12 Birkdale is the matrimonial home of the first appellant and the third respondent. The goods were later removed and taken into custody by... More

The plaintiff instituted the instant action claiming an order for the eviction of the defendants and all persons claiming occupation through them from a property described in the summons as Share Number 24 of Sub-division. More

The plaintiff and the defendant are siblings. The plaintiff who is the younger of the two brought a claim against her brother the defendant for payment of the sum of $200 000.00 being the balance due and payable in respect of shares sold to the defendant. The plaintiff also sought interest on the above amount at the prescribed rate and costs of suit on a legal practitioner-client scale. More