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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by year
This is an application for the upliftment of an automatic bar in terms of Order 12 r 84 (1) (a) of the Rules of this Honourable Court. More

This is an urgent chamber application for an interdict for stay of a disciplinary hearing before the first respondent pending an appeal which is before the second respondent. The background to the application is as follows. On 7 August 2018 MUREMBA J granted a provisional order under Case No. HC 7145/18 (hereinafter referred to as “the order”)which suspended the decision and directive of the first respondent dated 26 July 2018. The order was made pending the applicants’ appeal dated 3 August 2018 before the second respondent and interdicted the first respondent from interfering with the normal day to day business... More

NDEWERE J: The plaintiffs issued summons for civil imprisonment against the defendant on 13 December 2017. The summons called upon the defendant to pay $1 252 151.05 together with interest at the rate of 10% per annum calculated from 6 March 2017 to date of payment in full by virtue of a judgment of the High Court of 15 March 2017 which ordered him to pay $1 500 000.00 plus interest and costs. The summons called upon the defendant to appear before the High Court on 10 January 2018, to show cause why an order for his civil imprisonment should... More

This is an appeal against a judgment of the High Court which dismissed with costs an interpleader application brought by the appellant in respect of certain farming equipment attached for sale in execution by the first respondent at the instance of the second respondent. After hearing counsel in the matter we dismissed the appeal with costs and indicated that our reasons would follow in due course. More

MAWADZE J: On 1 November 2017 after hearing arguments from counsel we dismissed this appeal for lack of merit. The reasons for the dismissal were given ex tempore. More

This is an urgent chamber application for an order interdicting the first, second, fourth and fifth respondents from effecting transfer into the name of the third respondent of rights, title and interest in the immovable property known as certain piece of land situate in the District of Salisbury called stand 11 Comet Rise Township 2 of Comet Rise A measuring 4 540 square metres and held under deed of transfer no. 6678/97. The property belongs to and is registered in the name of the second respondent, a company under judicial management. The first respondent is the judicial manager of the... More

This is an appeal against a judgment of the High Court staying execution of a judgment granted to the appellant. More