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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by year
: The applicant seeks an order in the following terms, that: “1. The 8th respondent be and is hereby joined to the proceedings under case number HC 3203/18. 2. Costs be in the cause.” The applicant states that he was a lessee of a property owned by the first respondent. The parties agreed that the applicant could effect renovations and improvements on the property, which he did. In due course sometime in August 2005 the first respondent offered the applicant the property for USD 220 000. The sale did not materialise due to the first and second respondents’ fault. In... More

Mr Maxwelll Matsvimbo Sibanda issued summons against the three defendants claiming US$700 000 defamation damages and costs of suit. More

Even in circumstances where client’s case presents itself to counsel preparing the claim as beyond question, there is always need to pay attention to detail, for failure to do so may result in errors of omission or commission fatal to client’s case. More

[1] The respondent issued summons out of the High Court seeking an order for the release of its plastic bags which were being retained by the appellant, payment of the sum of US$157 350.05 representing the business it lost as a result of such retention and costs of suit on the scale of legal practitioner and client. The respondent also sought payment of interest from the date of issue of summons to the date of payment in full. More

MUZOFA J: The plaintiff’s claim is for damages in the sum of $35 442.00 for loss of goods and $140-00 for costs incurred in the recovery of goods. The plaintiff is in the business of distribution of fast moving goods. It transports such goods by trucks which are predominantly hired from other companies. According to plaintiff it entered into an oral agreement with the first defendant through the fourth defendant its employee for the provision of trucks. In terms of the agreement the first defendant was to transport 1 260 boxes of cooking oil from plaintiff’s warehouse in Mutare to... More

This is an application for the review of criminal proceedings in the Magistrates Court. More

After perusing the papers and hearing counsel on 27 July 2018 I granted the following order; It is ordered that: “The application for condonation and reinstatement of the appeal in terms of Rule 70 (2) of the Supreme Court Rules, 2018 be and is hereby dismissed with costs.” More