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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by year
The respondent was employed by the appellant in 2006 as an accountant reporting to the General Manager in terms of his job description dated 10 December 2008. Sometime in 2011 the appellant embarked on a restructuring exercise which introduced a new management system called HALA. The implementation of the HALA system of administration had the effect of promoting the Finance Manager over the respondent and generally reorganising the management structures much to the chagrin of the respondent. He protested that the HALA system of management breached his original contract of employment in that it subordinated him to the Finance Manager... More

The applicant has through the Registrar requested for written reasons for dismissing his application for bail pending appeal. I dismissed his application on 26 September 2018. In my brief reasons for dismissing the application I endorsed as follows on the result slip: “Reasonable prospects of success on appeal on grant of condonation of late noting of appeal – (1) Fact that leave to appeal out of time granted does not translate to a finding that bail pending appeal be granted automatically and application dismissed. (2) If full judgment is required applicant may request for same through registrar More

The appellant was employed by the respondent as a Human Resources Superintendent on 1 November 2006. He was based at the Head Office in Harare. In February 2009 he was transferred to Renco Mine. His contract of employment provided for, amongst other things, locality allowance, leave bonus and a company vehicle which was to be fuelled and maintained by the company. More

The plaintiff issued summons against the defendant claiming $83 000 for money deducted by defendant from plaintiff’s guarantee account, $82 836.00 for loss suffered by the plaintiff at the instance of the defendant, $24 000 for loss of business, $12 000 for loss shop revenue, $7 000 being value of goods lost and $1 000 being a refundable money paid to statutory bodies, interest at 14.25% per annum from April 2015 to the date of payment in full and costs of suit. More

The plaintiff instituted divorce proceedings against the defendant, whom she married on 3 May 2002 in terms of the Marriages Act [Chapter 37] now [Chapter 5:11]. More

The plaintiff herein approached this court seeking to be declared the legitimate purchaser and holder of the rights, interest and title in Stand No. 7971 Belvedere West, Harare, and an eviction order as against the first defendant and all those claiming occupation through him together with costs. More

Plaintiff sued defendant by way of summons for the following relief; a) An order evicting defendant and all those claiming occupation through him from plaintiff’s premises known as number 20 Saint Stephens Road, Meyrick Park, Harare. b) Holding over damages in the sum of $500.00 per month with effect from 1 November 2011 to date of vacation on eviction and c) Costs of suit on a legal practitioner-client scale. More