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Court Judgements

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The applicant is employed by the respondent as a Revenue Officer stationed at Masvingo. Consequently, the applicant is bound by the respondent’s Registered Code of Conduct i.e. the Zimbabwe Revenue Authority Employment Code of Conduct and Grievances Procedure (the Code of Conduct). On 27 November 2017, the applicant was charged with misconduct and was suspended from employment without pay and benefits in terms of clause 10.1 (a) of the Code of Conduct. The misconduct pertained to making false declarations by the applicant in respect of assets he owns. The respondent avers that due to the nature of its organisation, it... More

On 12 January 2018 the applicant applied for bail pending appeal. In his affidavit in support of the application for bail he submits that that there are real prospects of success on appeal. More

This was a civil appeal. The dispute was deceptive in its simplicity. In the court a quo the parties even went on a stated case. But it was a tricky matter of interpretation of a statute. We thank counsel for commendable research and able argument. More

On 2 October 2018 we set aside the proceedings in the lower court that were being appealed against and remitted the case to the court a quo for a proper hearing of the matter. Our reasons for so ordering were as follows: The appellant sued the 2nd respondent in the Community Court of Chief Marozva over the ownership or right of occupation of a piece of land under Tarwirei Ward 11. The dispute had been on-going for some years. More

I heard and determined this matter in my Chambers on the 28th June 2018 and at the end of the hearing, I gave an ex tempore judgment. The first respondent has noted an appeal in the matter and this is my determination in writing. More

In a popular TV series which has since been turned into an equally successful movie franchise, the actor always receives an electronic message with instructions on his mission. The electronic message self –destructs after five seconds and that is his cue to begin action. Perhaps it is time that litigants get a cue to act especially in matrimonial matters once the decree of divorce and other ancillary relief is granted. This could be in relation to custody and access; registration of maintenance orders at the Magistrate Court for purposes of enforcement ; exchanging movable property; valuation of immovable property as... More

This is an appeal against the whole judgment of the High Court handed down in Case No. HC 8150/13 on 14 November 2014. This matter was first argued on 5 June 2015 in relation to the first ground of appeal, to wit, the procedural point that the court a quo had erred in entertaining a challenge to its jurisdiction by way of an exception as opposed to a special plea. Argument was confined to this procedural point on the basis that a decision on that point in favour of the appellant would dispose of the entire appeal. More