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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by year
The facts of the matter are that the applicant was employed as a truck driver by the second respondent in or around January 2011. On 4 September 2012, the applicant was charged with having committed acts of conduct or omission inconsistent with the fulfilment of the express or implied conditions of his contract in terms of S I 15 of 2006. This was in spite of there being a registered code. The applicant was found guilty and dismissed by the disciplinary hearing committee. This decision was confirmed by the internal appeals authority on 11 October 2012. The applicant proceeded to... More

Applicant’s contention is as follows:- The application has been necessitated by the need for a final and definitive statement as to her status and rights on account of the refusal of the first respondent to entertain her request for confirmation of her status as a citizen of Zimbabwe by birth. She was born in Memphis in the United States of America (though she actually stated United States of America Zimbabwe in her founding affidavit). Her father was born in Zimbabwe whilst her mother was born in India but is a citizen of Zimbabwe. At the time of her birth, her... More

The plaintiff is a co-operative society engaged in the noble business of providing housing for its members one of whom was, until he was unceremoniously dismissed from membership by letter dated4 June 2015, the defendant in this matter. Following the expulsion of the defendant, the plaintiff sued out a summons against him seeking an order for his eviction from a property known as stand 5486 of 315 Retreat Township, Waterfalls Harare (the stand) on the pain of legal practitioner and client costs. More

On 24 August 2018 the Constitutional Court (“the Court”) handed down the abridged version of the judgment in the case in which the applicant challenged the validity of the Presidential election held on 30 July 2018. More

This is an application for an interdict as against the respondents. More

In the magistrates court the respondent sued the first appellant, a businesswoman, for eviction from certain business premises. The respondent was the executor dative to his late brother’s estate. The respondent claimed that during his life time the deceased had been allocated by the second appellant, a local authority, some business stands at Rudhanda Business Centre in Zaka, Masvingo. He averred that on one of such stands the deceased had intended to construct a supermarket. He alleged the deceased had developed it to footing level when the second appellant wrongfully allocated the property to the first appellant. More

After considering the papers filed of record inclusive of heads of argument and hearing oral evidence from the applicant and the respondents’ counsels, I gave oral reasons for my disposition I indicated that written reasons would be availed in due course on why I effectively dismissed the application with costs on attorney client scale. More