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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by year
The appellant was formerly employed by the Zimbabwe Republic Police as a police officer. He rose through the ranks and at the time of the dispute in issue he held the rank of Senior Assistant Commissioner. On a date not specified on the papers he was seconded to respondent as its Chief Executive Officer by the Office of the President and Cabinet. It would appear that the parties did not conclude a written contract providing for the second-ment. More

I have no doubt at all that this application has merit. On the 1st of December 2017 applicants filed a chamber application seeking the following relief; “ IT IS ORDERED THAT: 1. The court application in case number HC 8786/17 be and is hereby dismissed for want of prosecution. 2. Respondent shall pay costs of suit.” More

The applicant has been remanded in custody on a charge of rape. As rape is a schedule 3 offence he had to apply for bail to the High Court. More

The right to citizenship is one of the most fundamental rights of any human being. In terms of the 2013 Constitution a citizen has rights but also responsibilities. The rights as per section 35(3) (a-b) include the right to the protection of the State wherever they may be; to passports and other travel documents and to birth certificates and other identity documents issued by the State. More

: In essence this is a dispute over ownership of an immovable property known as stand 750 Greystone Township 10 of Greystone A, Harare which is also known as 750 Gaydon Road Greystone Park, Harare. It is a case which graphically illustrates the conundrum of deploying incorporation laws and rules to register ownership of immovable property, a favourite pastime of many business people in this country. It is a habit usually informed by a desire to take advantage of the protection afforded by company law, in particular that an incorporation once incorporated, has the capacity of a natural person in... More

The plaintiff, a commercial bank, claims against the three defendants payment of a sum of money amounting to US$1 105 748.90 together with interest thereon at the rate of 15% per annum calculated from the 9th September 2015 to the date of payment in full, such interest to be calculated monthly and in advance and capitalized. The plaintiff also claims collection commission and costs of suit on the legal practitioner and client scale, as well as an order declaring a certain immovable property described in the summons as a certain piece of land situate in the District of Salisbury called... More

The following facts are common cause: On 20 October 2017 a summary judgment application was granted by the Zvishavane magistrates court The judgment ordered the applicant to pay to the first respondent the sum of US$5 080-00 plus interest thereon at the prescribed rate with effect from April 1st 2017 to date of full payment and costs. The applicant appealed to this court against that entire judgment. More