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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by year
The applicant and the first respondent enjoyed a lesee - lessor relationship. They did so in terms of the commercial lease agreement which they signed on 22 October, 2015. The lease related to the first respondent’s immovable property known as Stand 3325 Salisbury Township commonly called Old Central Stores, Harare which the applicant leased from the first respondent at a monthly rental of $905 as well as operating costs of $282 per month More

This is a claim for breach of contract. More

On 28 January 2014, Rusape Remand Prison woke up to a sombre atmosphere after the death whilst in custody of one Andrew Kamba a fairly young man 23 years of age. More

The appellant noted an appeal against the judgement of the magistrate sitting at Kariba in terms of which the appellant’s claim for $10.000 was dismissed with costs. At the hearing, O.D Mawadze for the appellant indicated that the grounds of appeal had been consolidated and hence there were now only two as follows: a. Whether or not there was a misdirection in disregarding the written agreement between the appellant and the respondent. b. Whether or not the appellant had locus standi to claim for statutory fees and unpaid fines and if so, whether these had been proven on a balance... More

This matter came before me as an opposed application. The applicant sought confirmation of an interim order that was granted by consent on the 22nd May 2017 by the Honourable JUSTICE TSANGA. More

Plaintiff issued out summons against the defendant claiming $15 761.91 being the balance due to the plaintiff for medical goods supplied. The claim was predicated on an acknowledgment of debt which plaintiff alleged defendant had signed. The defendant disputes the claim, alleging that he does not owe plaintiff anything and that he was coerced into signing the acknowledgement of debt. More

Plaintiff sued first, second and third defendants for payment of the sum of $251 694 plus interest and costs of suit on a legal practitioner and client scale. The claim against first defendant arises from a credit sale agreement which plaintiff’s avers was entered into by and between plaintiff and first defendant on or about 28 September 2012. More