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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by year
The defendant applied for absolution from the instance and dismissal of the plaintiff’s case with costs at the close of the plaintiff’s case. More

This is a court application in which the applicant sought an order that: 1. The sale of a certain piece of land situate in the district of Salisbury called Stand 5603 Budiriro Township of stand 3068 Budiriro Township (herein after referred to as the property) from Estate late Maruta Jawona to 2nd and 3rd Respondents be set aside. 2. Applicant be and is hereby given 60 days to pay to 1st Respondent payment in the sum of US40 000.00 for stand 5603 Budiriro Township of stand 3068 Budiriro Township referred to in paragraph 1 above failing which the property shall... More

This is an application to amend the applicant’s plea. At the beginning of the hearing respondents counsel asked for the expunging of the applicant’s answering affidavit as it was filed late and after respondent’s heads of argument had been filed. More

The applicant is the holder of title of a certain piece of land in the District of Salisbury Called Stand 45A Ardbennie Industrial Township(hereinafter referred to as “the property”). On 27 September 2016, applicant and the respondent entered into an agreement of sale in respect of the property. More

In November 2017 the plaintiff (respondent in this application) instituted action against the defendant (the present applicant) claiming the payment of certain amounts of money due and payable in terms of a compromise agreement entered between the parties. The defendant has still not filed a plea. It has however filed two request for further particularity to the claim. This is an application to compel the furnishing of further particulars in terms of Order 21 Rule 141(b) of the High Court Rules, 1971. The last of such requests was filed on 29 November 2017 wherein the plaintiff insisted that the particulars... More

The applicant and the first andthird respondents are siblings born of the second respondent and the late Basheer Ahmed Ebrahim. The late Basheer Ahmed Ebrahim(hereinafter referred to as the deceased) died intestate on the 15thApril 2016 in China and left behind an Estate with various personal assets and various interests in some companies in Zimbabwe and SouthAfrica. At the time of deceased’s death applicant was in the UK. She thereafter came back in time for the holding of an edict meeting at which first respondent was appointed Executrix Dative with the consent of all the beneficiaries including applicant. More

This is an urgent chamber application in which the applicant seeks the following relief which is contained in the draft provisional order: “FINAL ORDER SOUGHT It is ordered that:- 1. The respondents in solidioum be and are hereby interdicted from entering into or sanctioning any sale or transferring, disposing (of?) or dealing in any other way with the property of the Estate Late Basheer pending judgment of this court in HC 2669/17. 2. Respondents to pay costs of suit. More