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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by year
The applicant was arrested together with 5 co-accused with whom he is jointly charged of 6 counts of armed robbery. He has applied for bail pending trial In his application for bail the applicant argued that he has no previous convictions and has a permanent place of residence and has no propensity to commit crime. He also denies vehemently that he was involved in any of the offences that the State alleges he committed with his co-accused. He further argued that he is operating a successful company pioneering new technology and inventions and is famous for the good work he... More

This is a matter within which the plaintiff is claiming damages for loss of support owing to the death of her husband at the defendant’s instance. On 23 December 2016, the plaintiff’s husband was electrocuted and died after he unwittingly stepped on live electricity wiring. The wiring had been left exposed by the defendant company and thus posed a danger to any person who would have used the public path it lay across. After the defendant’s accident, the defendant’s employees were forced to switch off wires from their nearby electricity feeder station in order to remove the deceased’s body from... More

This judgment deals with ten preliminary points in respect of the applicability of s 98 of the Income Tax Act [Chapter 23:06] general anti-avoidance provisions, GAAP, that were raised by the appellant against the additional assessments issued against the appellant by the respondent on 22 July 2015 for the tax years 2009 to 2012. More

In this matter, the applicant is desirous of an order for the eviction of the respondent from its mining claims. In addition, applicant seeks to interdict the respondent from continuing to mine its claims more fully described as Rushingo Dolomite 2, 3, 3A, 4, 5, 6 and 7. Prior to said claims being purchased by the applicant, the claims were mined by the respondent through a tribute agreement which respondent had entered into with Agricultural& Rural Development Authority (ARDA). The tribute agreement expired on the 7th September 1989. ARDA sold the claims to the applicant in 2009 thus giving the... More

OTC International GmbH (the plaintiff in case number HC 11514/16) (the first respondent herein) issued summons for the recovery of the sum of USD673 146.24. The applicant entered appearance to defend and raised three special pleas and pleaded over on merits. The matter progressed to pretrial conference stage and on the date of the pretrial conference, the applicant did not attend and its plea was struck out and judgment was entered against it in default on 2 March 2018. The applicant learnt about the default judgment on 5 March 2018. This application is for rescission of that judgment. More

This is an application for amendment of a plea brought in terms of Order 20 r 132 of the High Court Rules, 1971. The applicants seek to amend their plea. More

The plaintiff’s claim against the defendants is for breach of a Facultative Reinsurance Guarantee Agreement by the defendants. It seeks payment from the firstto third defendants in the sums of $ 691 892.21, $345946.12 and $ 518 919.18 respectively. The plaintiff’s claim is based on the following synopsis. The plaintiff issued a payment guarantee in favour of the Zimbabwe Fertilizer Company Ltd (ZFC) in terms of which ZFC agreed to supply tobacco farmers who were members of the Zimbabwe Progressive Tobacco Farmers’ Union (ZPFTU) with tobacco inputs for the 2011 to 2012 farming season. This was on the understanding that... More