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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by year
These are confirmatory proceedings for the placing of applicant under final judicial management. Mr Antiock Kurauone is the current provisional judicial manager. What is disputed is not whether the company should be placed under final judicial management but whether this should be done whilst retaining Mr Kurauone as the judicial manager. The applicant argues that it is not for the respondent to decide on who is a fit and proper person since the Master did not raise any issue regarding Mr Kurauone’s suitability. More

This is a claim for damages arising out of a road traffic accident which took place along the Harare-Bulawayo highway on 7 December 2013. The accident involved a head-on collision between a bus belonging to the second defendant and a haulage truck More

An order of this court granted by consent on 8 November 2017 in Case No. 3185/17 following the signing of a deed of settlement by the parties to that action on 26 September 2017, has not been complied with. The applicants have therefore brought these contempt of court proceedings in a bid to enforce the court order. They desire that the first and second respondents, who should be the ones complying with the court order, be held in contempt of the court order and that a monetary penalty be imposed against the first respondent, being a company, while a terms... More

Plaintiff issued summons against the defendantsclaiming payment of €9 270 as fees due under a consulting contract, interest thereon at the prescribed rate, collection commission and costs on the legal practitioner and client scale. More

This is an application for change of name made in terms of s24 (2) of the Companies Act [Chapter 24.03] as well as under the common law. The purpose of this application is basically to seek an order- (a) Directing the first to the forth respondents to change their registered names from their present names (Sheltersol Holdings (Pvt) Ltd, Sheltersol Finance (Pvt) Ltd, Sheltersol Property Development (Pvt) Ltd and Sheltersol Manufacturing (Pvt) Ltd respectively to such other names as do not contain the word “Shelter” in them. (b) Failing compliance with paragraph (a) above, that the fifth respondent be directed... More

This was an application for bail pending appeal. The applicant was convicted in 2015 of two counts of rape of an 11 year old girl to whom he was related as an uncle. He received a sentence of 15 years for each count, with five years suspended on the usual conditions, making his effective sentence 25 years. He successfully applied for condonation of late noting of appeal in August 2018. He then applied for bail pending appeal. I denied him bail on the 5th of November 2018 on account that there were no prospects of success on appeal regarding his... More

The plaintiff husband sued his wife for divorce on 20 September 2005. She entered her plea and counterclaim on 19 May 2006. The matter was referred to trial at the pre-trial conference held on 19 June 2007. The parties agreed at the pre-trial conference that their marriage had irretrievably broken down. They also agreed on the issues of custody, access to and the payment of school fees of the minor children of the marriage and on the distribution of all the movable property. The sole issue that was referred for trial was on the equitable distribution of the matrimonial home,... More