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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by year
This is an urgent chamber application for an interdict against the first respondent. The second respondent is the Sheriff of Zimbabwe whilst the third respondent is the Officer-in-Charge ZRP Bindura (Minerals and Boarder Control Unit). The first respondent opposed the application, and in doing so, raised some preliminary points which are as follows. Matter is not urgent More

This was an application for discharge from extradition in terms of the Extradition Act, [Cap 9:08]. The background was quite colourful. More

The applicant wasjointly charged with Gerald Kamenya and his sister Plaxedes Chikamhi. More

An application in which the applicant moves the court to declare him the sole owner of the property which he and another person jointly purchased from the seller is misplaced. A fortiori when the application excludes his co-purchaser whose views remain unknown to the court More

On 10 November 2018, I made an endorsement that this matter is not urgent. On 15 November 2018, the applicant’s legal practitioners wrote a letter through the Registrar requesting for audience on the issue of urgency. I caused the matter to be set down for hearing in my chambers on 21 November 2018. This set down torched a storm with the first respondent’s legal practitioner as will be explained later in the judgement. More

This is a purported appeal from proceedings in the magistrate’s court sitting at Rusape. The circumstances were that on the 18 October 2013 the appellant leased his shop to the respondent. The written lease agreement stated, inter alia, that the rental would be $800 per month subject to renew/review after six months. On 4 August 2015 the appellant sued respondent for arrear rentals in the sum of $3050.00 for the period June 2014 to 30 April 2015 when respondent vacated the premises. The defendant denied owing the amount and contended that the rentals had been reviewed downwards to $500.00per month... More

The applicant was convicted on his own plea of 49 counts of robbery and sentenced to 36 years imprisonment. The applicant committed the offences while armed with a machete, a spear and catapults. In furtherance of the commission of the crime the applicant perpetrated acts of violence on the victims, inflicting or intending to inflict serious bodily harm to some of the victims, which includes trying to burn them alive, breaking bones and teeth as well as throttling some of the victims and leaving others for dead. Some of the victims have been left with permanent disability. More