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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by year
The accused was charged with the murder of his wife whom he was said to have assaulted with an iron bar on the 15th of May 2017 resulting in her death. He pleaded not guilty to murder but was willing to plead guilty to culpable homicide. The trial proceeded on the charge of murder. The backdrop of the State’s case was that the deceased and the accused had been customarily married for about 12 years. They had a misunderstanding on the 12th of May when the accused had confronted his wife about her alleged infidelity. She had left home that... More

Both the conviction and sentence in this case offend against norms of justice. It is imperative that this court should intervene. The accused was convicted in the Regional Magistrate’s Court with attempted murder. The charge itself was demonstrably an overkill. The circumstances disclosed nothing more than an assault. More

The sentence of the court a quo was manifestly excessive. It warrants intervention. The facts were these. The accused pleaded not guilty to a single count of domestic violence as defined by s 3(a), as read with s 4(1)(a), of the Domestic Violence Act, Cap 5:16. After a full trial he was convicted and sentenced to eighteen (18) months imprisonment. Six (6) months imprisonment was suspended for five years on the usual condition of good behaviour. The effective sentence was twelve (12) months imprisonment. More

This matter was placed before me for review as far back as May 2018. Initially I had a problem in reading the trial magistrate’s hand writing and I requested that the record be transcribed. That was done in July 2018. More

The accused who was charged with the murder of his father whom he killed with an axe on 9th May 2012, tendered a special plea of not guilty by reason of insanity. The agreed facts as per exhibit one were as follows: More

The record in this matter was placed before me on review. More

The accused pleaded not guilty to rape. Nevertheless, after a full trial, he was convicted as charged. The court sentenced him to twelve years imprisonment. Two years imprisonment was suspended for five years on the usual condition of good behaviour. Thus, ten years imprisonment remained effective. More