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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by year
This is a claim for damages for unlawful arrest and malicious prosecution. Plaintiff is a 26 year old fashion model who had a thriving modelling career and had a part-time business as a Master of Ceremonies. She was also employed on a part-time basis as a show presenter on national television. This is the status in society which plaintiff enjoyed by her own hard work until the first defendant, one Tracy Shile caused her arrest and instigated her prosecution for allegedly infectingfirst defendant’s minor child, aged two years, with HIV. Firstdefendant also reported that plaintiff had also physically assaulted her... More

The applicant was on the on the 29th of September 2013 convicted by this court of murder in terms of section 47(1) (a) of the Criminal Law [Codification and Reform] Act [Chapter 9:23]. He was sentenced to 25 years imprisonment. On 6th of June 2018, he filed an application for condonation for late noting of leave to appeal against both conviction and sentence. More

application was filed on urgency seeking the following relief: “INTERIM RELIEF GRANTED More

This is a chamber application for condonation of late filing of a review application. It is opposed. The applicants were dismissed from the defence forces in 2014 in matters involving sexual abuse of junior cadet officers. The first applicant was acquitted by the court martial but subsequently dismissed by a Board of enquiry. The second applicant who was found guilty, was given a sentence other than dismissal before being dismissed by the suitability board. The first applicant would like to seek a review of his late application is condoned on the basis that following his acquittal by the Court Martial,... More

The appellant was convicted of culpable homicide as defined in s 49 of the Criminal Law (Codification and Reform) Act, [Chapter 9:23]. He was sentenced to five years imprisonment of which two years imprisonment was suspended on condition of future good behavior. His driver’s licence was cancelled. He appeals against both conviction and sentence. More

“IT IS ORDERED THAT The first and second respondents be and are hereby declared personally liable to pay the applicant: (a) The sum of Two Million, Seven Hundred and Fifteen Thousand United Sates Dollars (US$ 2 715 000,00). (b) Interest on the sum of US$2 715 000.00 at a rate of 15% per annum from the 27th May 2013 to date of payment in full. (c) Costs of suit on a legal practitioner client scale.” More

The applicant is being charged with rape as defined in s 65 of the Criminal Law (Codification and Reform ) Act, [Chapter 9:23] it being alleged that on the date unknown to the prosecutor but during the year 2013 and at house number 43 Magwenzi Street, Chizhanje, Harare, accused unlawfully and intentionally had sexual intercourse with ALISHA SIMON knowing that she had not consented to it or realizing that there was a risk or possibility that she might not have consented to it. The complainant is aged 10 years and doing Grade 5 at Mabvuku Primary School. The accused /applicant... More