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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by year
On 12 February 2018, I heard this matter and delivered an ex tempore judgment. I have now been asked for the written reasons thereof and these are they. More

This is an interpleader application. The facts are that on 5 May 2017 twenty Judgment Creditors obtained judgment against a company called OTTLAC INVESTMENTS (PVT) LTD for a sum of US$37 500.00 together with interest at the rate of 5% per annum from the 6th of August 2014 to date of payment in full. Ottlac Investments (Pvt) Ltd was further ordered to pay costs of suit. Pursuant to obtaining the abovementioned order the Judgment Creditors instructed the Sheriff of Zimbabwe to attach and take into execution the Judgment Debtor’s movable property. During the course and scope of his duties the... More

This is an interpleader application pursuant to order 30 of the High Court Rules in which the court is asked to decide on competing claims. More

These are interpleader proceedings. Claimant moves me to find that she is the owner of various items of movable property attached in execution on August 29th 2018. More

On 12 July 2017 this court issued a writ of execution against the movable property of DTZ EZOGEO (Pvt) Ltd pursuant to a judgment obtained against it in case No. HC 3162/17. Notwithstanding the addressfor execution being stated in the writ of execution as 14168 Griffin Road, Gun Hill Harare, the judgement creditor directed the applicant(sheriff) to 29 Windmill Lane Quinnington, Harare being the judgment debtor’s new place of business. On 25 August 2017 the applicant proceeded to 29 Windmill Lane Quinnington, Harare where he placed seven vehicles described below under judicial attachment More

The two accused were charged with the offence of contravening s 72 (b) of the Magistrates Court Act, [Chapter 7:10]. The charge arose out of the following allegations. On 4 September 2017 a messenger of Court attached certain items of property which belonged to or was under both accused’s possession or control. The property included motor vehicles. The Messenger of Court served the two accused with the appropriate notices of attachment as regarded by law. When he reported to the accused’s premises to remove the property which was under judicial attachment, he established that the accused had removed the property.... More

The accused was charged with the offence of physical abuse as defined in section 4 (1) as read with section 3 (1) (a) of the Domestic Violence Act,(Chapter 5:16). The accused pleaded guilty to the charge that on 13 April, he unlawfully assaulted the complainant who was his wife with fists, hit her head against the wall and bit her on the ear. The agreed facts were that the accused and the complainant quarrelled and had a misunderstanding. The cause of the altercation was that the complainant accused the accused person of having a girlfriend. The accused did not take... More