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Court Judgements

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We decided to proceed with this judgment without the benefit of counsel for accused’s written closing submissions. This so because counsel had promised to file written submissions by 20 December 2017. This matter has been outstanding for a long time. The accused is alleged to have caused the death of his father Sikhala Zhou who is his namesake by striking him with an axe several times on the head and neck on 6 November 2016 in contravention of s 47 (1) of the Criminal Law Codification and Reform, Act) [Chapter 9:23]. More

Both accused persons are facing a charge of murder as defined in s 47(1) of the Criminal Law (Codification and Reform) Act, [Cap 9:23]. The charge is that on 19 May 2017 at about 7 km peg along the Roy – Gutu road in Masvingo each or both of the accused in the company of one Nyasha Sango who is at large caused the death of Phio Jeketera by stabbing him with an okapi knife in the course of a robbery. More

The tragic events in this matter unfolded on the new year’s day being 1 January 2017, a day normally associated with merry making, at Bhuka business centre a few kilometres outside Masvingo town along the Masvingo to Beit Bridge highway. More

he accused was convicted of contravening s 49 of the Criminal Law (Codification and Reform) Act [Chapter 9:23]. He was sentenced to $300 in default of payment 30 days imprisonment. In addition 30 days imprisonment was wholly suspended on condition of future good behaviour. More

This matter came before me by way of automatic review. Having reflected at length, I am of the view that the conviction is not safe. This is despite that the accused pleaded guilty. More

The accused was convicted by the Magistrate sitting at Chiredzi of contravening section 113(2)(a) of the Criminal Law Codification and Reform Act [Cap 9:23] which relates to theft of trust property. More

The two accused were blood brothers. Together with their third brother, Richard Makuchete [“Richard”], they were arrested and charged with the murder of their cousin, Zvinowanda Zvinowanda [“the deceased”]. Richard has since been convicted and sentenced under judgment HMA 7-16. The State explained that there had been a separation of trials because the two accused herein had been unavailable by the time the case was ready for trial, and that in the interests of justice it had been decided to have Richard tried on his own. More