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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by year
This is a contested application for bail pending trial. Applicant is facing 2 counts of rape in contravention of section 65 (1) of the Criminal Law Codification and Reform Act (Chapter 9:23). He faces a further charge of impersonating a public official as defined in section 179 (1) of the Criminal Code. Applicant faces further charges of fraud and theft. In the rape charge, it is alleged that the applicant raped two complainants he had hired as Nurse Aides. On the charge of impersonation he allegedly misrepresented to Dumisani Mhlanga, the Managing Director of Ingwebu Breweries that he was the... More

This is an opposed application wherein the Applicant seeks the removal of 1st respondent as an executrix dative in the estate of the late Mehluli Dube. The Applicant is a surviving spouse and a beneficiary in the deceased estate being the subject matter of this application. At the hearing of the application, I gave an ex tempore judgment granting the order as sought by the Applicant. The 1st Respondent has since requested for the written reasons for my judgment and I hereby proceed to give my reasoning. Before I even proceed to analyse the case it is pertinent at this... More

The plaintiff and defendant were married to each other on the 11th of October 2002. The marriage still subsists. There is one minor child of the marriage namely Tinotenda Timburwa a boy born on 9 November 2005. Both parties agree that the marriage relationship has irretrievably broken down. They agreed on all issues save for the redistribution of the matrimonial home namely stand number 16631 Cowdray Park, Bulawayo. More

This is an appeal against the judgment of the High Court dismissing the applicant’s urgent application for a mandamus for the release of the appellant’s passport held by the first respondent as security for his attendance at court. More

This is an application for bail pending trial. The applicants allege that there are changed circumstances, which if properly considered, would entitle them to bail pending trial. On the 10th February 2019 an application for bail pending trial was brought before me by the applicants and their co-accused. I declined the application and gave my reasons in judgment HB-04-19. I am informed that an appeal has been lodged to the Supreme Court against that judgment. More

This is an urgent application for the custody of Matilda Panashe Shonhiwa a girl born on 13 June 2002. At the hearing of the matter I dismissed the application and gave an ex tempore judgment. Applicant has since sought written reasons for my judgment and I give them herein. The child being the subject matter of this application is aged about 17 years old. She has been staying with her biological father and her step mother. On one day she left home for school and she never returned. She left school in a taxi that she had no money to... More

This is an application for leave to appeal to the Constitutional Court in terms of r 32 of the Constitutional Court Rules, 2016 (“the Rules”). More