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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by year
This is an application for Summary Judgment in terms of order 10 Rule 64 of the High Court Rules, 1971. The application is opposed by the respondent. Applicant contends that the respondent has no bona fide defence to his claims. As is common with most debtors in this jurisdiction and beyond, the respondent has raised illusory defences, feigned coercion and seeks not to be bound by an acknowledgement of debt. More

This is a chamber application for an order for leave to appeal to the Constitutional Court (“the Court”), against a decision of the Supreme Court (“the court a quo”) in terms of r 32(2) of the Constitutional Court Rules, S.I. 61/2016 (“the Rules”). The rule provides that a litigant who is aggrieved by the decision of a subordinate court on a constitutional matter only may apply to the Court for leave to appeal against such decision. More

: On 22 March 2016, and after reading the documents filed of record and hearing arguments from Mr Z C Ncube (for the applicant) and Mr K Sibanda (for the first respondent), I made the following determination: “IT IS ORDERED THAT: 1. The validity of the agreement of sale entered into between the Applicant and the 1st respondent on 18 December 2014 be and is hereby confirmed. 2. The 1st Respondent and all those claiming occupation through her, be and are ordered to vacate the premises known as Stand Number 4051 Nketa 7, Bulawayo within five (5) days of granting... More

This is an application for bail pending trial. After hearing the application I dismissed it on 2 August 2019. On 27 August 2019 applicant’s legal practitioners addressed a letter to the Registrar of this court requesting that they be furnished with written reasons for the refusal of bail. These are they. The applicant faces a murder charge as defined in section 47 (1) of the Criminal Law (Codification and Reform) Act (Chapter 9:23). The allegations are that the applicant murdered Soneni Mpofu by strangling her and stabbing her once on the left eye and once on the vagina. More

The dispute between the parties centred on a property described as Stand 238 Phase 1 Checheche (“the property”). It is one of those council-owned township properties that local authorities sell on a rent-to-buy basis. It is under the Chipinge Rural District Council. In the court a quo the respondent (“Chengetai”) sued the appellant (“Mbozvi”) for eviction and holding over damages. The court granted the orders. Mbozvi appealed. We heard argument on 27 March 2019 and reserved judgment. This now is the appeal judgment. More

This is an appeal against the judgment of the Labour Court dismissing an appeal against an arbitrator’s award. The arbitrator, having found the respondent’s initial purported dismissal and every measure taken by the appellant thereafter to have been unlawful, ordered the appellant to reinstate the respondent to her position or pay her damages in lieu of reinstatement. More

The applicant who is facing four counts of stock theft as defined in s 114 of the Criminal Law (Codification and Reform) Act [Chapter 9:23], approached the court seeking to be admitted to bail pending trial. It is the State’s contention that on 25 May 2018, 27 May 2018 and on 5 January 2019 the accused unlawfully took 10 cattle knowing that the complainants in the 4 counts were entitled to own or possess or control the livestock or realising that there was a real risk or possibility that the complainants were the owners and entitled to possess or control... More