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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by year
It is trite that urgent chamber applications should be shown, both on the certificate of urgency and on the applicants’ founding affidavit to be urgent more particularly in that; a) There is primarily no dispute of facts in the matter and the law relating to the matter is clear and undisputed. That there is irreparable harm that will be occasioned to the rights of applicant. Indeed the applicant must show that he has a prima facie right that has been or about to be infringed. c) That should the matter not be treated as urgent the harm to that right... More

As is fashionable in some churches these days, the respondents are secessionists who brokeaway from the applicant to form their own church being the 1st respondent. However, applicant alleges that despite using a different name, respondents continue to conduct their church services clothed in the same fashion as applicant’s congregation, chant the same slogans and wear hats commonly known in apostolic circles as “Gloria” which are embroidered with applicant’s name. Alarmed and believing that there is a reasonable likelihood that applicant’s members might be misled into believing that respondents’ activities are that of the applicant, the former decided to file... More

This is an application filed under a certificate of urgency. Applicant seeks the following relief: “Terms of Interim Relief 1. It is ordered that the respondents are hereby interdicted from dealing in any manner whatsoever with the property presently registered in the 1st respondent’s names and held by her under Deed of Transfer 1450/2019, which may result in the said property being transferred to another party. 2. The 1st respondent be and is hereby ordered to return the status quo ante prevailing in respect of applicant’s occupation of plot 4 Fairstar, Bulawayo. 3. The 3rd respondent be and is hereby... More

This application purports to be a chamber application for directions. The order sought in the draft order is in the following terms: The respondent be and is hereby directed to complete the draft ruling in terms of the Labour Act (Chapter 28:01) Amendment No. 5 of 205 and issue a certificate of settlement to enable the applicant to register his names in terms of the Labour Act section 10(6) and proceed to arbitration. 2. There shall be no order as to costs.” More

It is improper, inappropriate and wrong for litigants to malign and attack judicial officers without just cause. The right to file process asserting one’s rights does not entitle any person to use abusive language directed at judicial officers and parties to any dispute. An attack on the court and its officials is an assault on the integrity and independence of the judicial system. The applicant’s legal battles span over a period in excess of ten years. All the judges that have handled applicant’s cases have incurred his wrath and have been accused of one thing or the other. More

On 19 July 2019, applicant applied for bail pending appeal seeking the following relief: “IT IS ORDERED THAT: 1. The bail pending appeal be and is hereby granted on the following conditions:- (i) Applicant deposits cash in the sum of RTGS$100 to the Clerk of Court, Rusape. (ii) Report once to Glen View Police Station on the last Friday of each month until the determination of the Appeal. (iii) The Applicant is to reside at 7252 96th Crescent, Glen View Area 8, Harare, until the determination of the Appeal.” The bail application appeal is opposed by the State. More

This is a matrimonial matter wherein the plaintiff issued summons seeking a decree for divorce and ancillary relief. Plaintiff and defendant were married in terms of the Marriage Act Chapter 5:11 on the 14th of October 2005 and the marriage still subsists. The basis for the relief sought is that parties stopped living together as husband and wife since 2008 and that they have since lost all love and affection for each other. There are 2 minor children born of the marriage namely Mzwakhe Nimrod Lwandile Moyo a male born on 15 April 2006 and Mzwandile Thorburn Moyo also a... More