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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by year
This is a referral in terms of s 175(4) of the Constitution of Zimbabwe Amendment (No. 20) Act 2013 (“the Constitution”) from the Magistrate’s Court (“the court a quo”) sitting at Gwanda. More

This matter came initially as a chamber application for an order “postponing or suspending a sale in execution in terms of Order 40 Rule 348A of the High Court Rules 1971. The execution debtor (applicant) sought the following relief: “It is hereby ordered that: 1. The sale in execution of the applicant’s dwelling being stand 2298 Bulawayo North of Bulawayo Township Lands situate in the District of Bulawayo also known as stand number 73 Baden Powell Road North End, Bulawayo be suspended on condition that:- a. (a) the applicant delivers to the first respondent, a bus being a Toyota Coaster... More

The applicant herein faces twenty (20) counts of Aggravated Indecent assault as defined in section 66 of the Criminal Law Codification and Reform) Act, [Chapter 9:23].The brief facts as alleged by the state are that the applicant is a police officer 35 years old and is based at Plumtree Police Station. It is further alleged that the Officer-in-charge of Zimbabwe Republic Police Mpoengs received a tip off about cases of sexual abuse among pupils at Bhulu primary school. On 26 March 2019, the said officer-in-charge assigned the applicant to investigate the allegations of sexual abuse. The applicant got to the... More

This is a provisional sentence matter. Plaintiff issued provisional sentence summons against the defendant claiming provisional sentence in an amount of US$208 000,00, together interest at the prescribed rate from the date of acknowledgment of debt to the date of payment in full. More

The applicants are game scouts at Bubiana Conservancy in Gwanda. They are facing a charge of murder as defined in section 77 of the Criminal Law (Codification and Reform) Act (Chapter 9:22). The applicants deny the charges. They have filed this application seeking bail pending trial. They aver that there are suitable candidates for bail and that there is no risk of abscondment. The state has opposed the application. The state argues that the applicants have offered a bare denial and the evidence against them is overwhelming as borne by the allegations in the Request For Remand Form 242. The... More

This is an appeal against the whole judgment of the Labour Court dismissing the appellant’s appeal against the decision of the appeals committee and confirming her conviction on misconduct charges and the subsequent penalty of dismissal from employment. More

At the conclusion of arbitral proceedings, the arbitrator upheld the respondent’s claim for unlawful dismissal and ordered her reinstatement or alternatively payment of damages in lieu of reinstatement. An appeal against the award to the Labour Court was dismissed with costs. The present appeal is against that order. More