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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by year
Pursuant to the conviction and sentence for Attempted Murder as defined in s 189 (1) as read with s 47 (1) of the Criminal Law (Codification and Reform) Act [Chapter 9:23] the appellant lodged the present appeal with this court. The appellant a girlfriend to the complainant was convicted of unlawfully stabbing the complainant one Josam Mapinge in circumstances where there was realisation that there was a real risk or possibility that murder may be committed. The Appellant who stabbed the complainant Josam Mapinge with a knife once in the abdomen was convicted of attempted murder and sentenced to 6... More

The appellant who was jointly charged with one Ekem Matutu was convicted of stock theft as defined in s 14(2)(b) of the Criminal Law (Codification and Reform) Act [Cap 9:23] by the Provincial Magistrate sitting at Zvishavane on 23 May 2019. After a full contested trial Ekem Matutu was acquitted. Ekem Matutu was not legally represented but the appellant was legally represented by one Nyabawa. The learned Provincial Magistrate did not find any special circumstances and on 5 June, 2019 the appellant was sentenced to the mandatory 9 years imprisonment. More

This is an appeal against the judgment of the Labour Court dismissing an appeal and review application instituted by the appellant against a decision of the Retrenchment Board (the Board). The decision was communicated to the parties on 28 April 2017. More

This is an appeal against the whole judgment of the High Court dated 31 August 2016 dismissing an application wherein the following relief was sought: “1.The respondent be and is hereby ordered and directed to surrender to the applicant within five (5) days of the granting of this Order the Share Certificates in respect of the 37 233 118 NICOZ Diamond Insurance Limited shares held by Certificate number 37315 by the Applicant. 2. In the event that the respondent concluded the sale of the shares to any third party, the sale transaction relating thereto be and is hereby set aside... More

This is an appeal against the whole judgement of the Labour Court, Harare, handed down on 6 March 2015. More

This is an appeal against the entire judgment of the High Court sitting at Harare handed down on 26 March 2018. At the end of the hearing in this matter, we dismissed the appeal with costs and indicated that the reasons would follow. These are they. More

On 17 February 2017, with the consent of the parties who appeared before me I gave an order by consent of both parties which set aside the decision of the court a quo sitting at Gwanda, wherein the learned magistrate had declined to discharge the applicant at the close of the state case. There has been a flurry of correspondence demanding my reasons for my order. Here are the reasons. The background This is an application for review against the decision of the Provincial Magistrate sitting at Gwanda wherein he declined to grant an order for the discharge of the... More