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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by year
: The three appellants were convicted and sentenced by the Provincial Magistrate sitting at Masvingo on 10 April 2018. They were charged and convicted jointly for contravening section 45(1)(b) of the Parks and Wild Life Act [Cap 20:14] as read with section 128 of the same Act (hereinafter The Act) which relates to keeping, having in possession or selling any live specially protected animal. Each of the appellants after a contested trial was sentenced to 9 years imprisonment. More

In this matter the applicant filed an urgent application seeking the following interim relief: 1. The 1st and 2nd respondents be and are hereby ordered to suspend the execution in any way, of the writ of execution issued under cover of case number HC 3275/17. 2. In the event that 2nd respondent has attached and removed applicant’s property, the 2nd respondent is hereby ordered to release and restore the property to the applicant. The background of the matter is that the applicant was sued by the 1st respondent in this court and a default judgment was granted against him. It... More

The applicants are facing charges of armed robbery as defined in section 126 of the Criminal Law Codification and Reform Act (Chapter 9:23). The state alleges that on 11 December 2018 the applicants acting in connivance with eight other persons who are still at large acquired two vehicles which included a Toyota Hilux truck and a Toyota Fan Cargo, registration number ADL 1349 which was being driven by the 5th applicant. The applicants armed themselves with 3 rifles and pistols. The applicants proceeded to Mimosa turn off, along the Zvishavane – Bulawayo highway. The applicants arrived at Camlark Investments where... More

In this matter the applicant filed an urgent chamber application asking for the placement of the 1st respondent in provisional liquidation in terms of section 207 as read with section 206 of the Companies Act Chapter 24:03. Section 206 provides for circumstances under which a company may be wound up by a court and section 207 provides for how the petition for winding up is presented. Section 206 (g) provides that a company may be wound up by the court if the court is of the opinion that it is just and equitable that the company should be wound up.... More

This is an appeal against the decision of the High Court granting the respondent leave to proceed with the execution of a judgment that it obtained against the appellant bank which is under judicial liquidation. More

The constitutional matter before the Constitutional Court (“the Court”) for determination is whether s 353 of the Criminal Procedure and Evidence Act [Chapter 9:07] (“the Act”) is constitutionally invalid. The section authorises the imposition of a sentence of moderate corporal punishment on a male person under the age of eighteen years who is convicted of any offence. The matter came to the Court by way of the procedure for confirmation of orders concerning the constitutional invalidity of any law or any conduct of the President or Parliament made by another court. More

Before me is an interpleader application. The background of the matter is that the judgment creditor obtained judgment against one Roger Madangure under BULAWAYO HC 1404/17. Pursuant to the said judgment the applicant attached various items listed on the Notice of Seizure and attachment - Annexure “C”. Annexure “C” lists the following property: - - A black water tank - A Mercedes Benz vehicle AAP 4499 - An FG Wilson Generator - Eng Byo Mill - Ingersoll Rand Compressor - Scrap - Weights - Osborn Tel Swith with fan belt - Gems table - Gems table of complete mill -... More