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Court Judgements

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On Christmas day, 25 December 2018, the accused in the company of the deceased left Bethania Business Centre after some beer drinking. Along the way, they met up with Learnmore Chipangura who was in the company of his wife Anyway Tariro Nyamuponza, Ronald Phiri and the latter’s wife Tanyaradzwa Kachera when Learnmore Chipangura started to call the accused person by his nickname. The accused person started to shout at Learnmore not to call him by his nickname but he kept on doing so and a fight ensued. Learnmore then punched the accused who fell down and the accused then drew... More

Accused was arraigned before us charged with the crime of Murder as defined in s 47 (1) (a) or (b) of the Criminal Law (Codification and Reform) Act [Chapter 9:23] where it was alleged by the State that on 17 September 2017 and at subdivision 3 Larmour Estate, Old Mutare, Chief Mutasa, Penhalonga, the accused unlawfully caused the death of Blessing Kuipa by running over her thrice with a Toyota Corolla thereby causing injuries from which the said Blessing Kuipa died. The accused pleaded not guilty to murder. The State and defence counsel produced a statement of agreed facts and... More

The accused was charged with the crime of murder in contravention of section 147 of the Code in that on 27 June 2018 at around 1500 hours, along a footpath at Sikhewu village under Chief Sikhobokhobo area of Nkayi, the accused unlawfully struck Sibusisiwe Sigauke several times on the head with a hoe handle and also stabbed her on the throat with a knife intending to kill her or realising that there is real risk or possibility that his conduct may cause death but nonetheless continued to engage in that conduct despite the risk or possibility. In answer to the... More

The two accused persons appeared in this court facing a charge of murder as defined in section 47 of the Criminal Law (Codification and Reform) Act, Chapter 9:23. They were 23 and 19 years old respectively at the time of the commission of the offence. The deceased Nkosikhona Gumbo was 19 at the time he met his death.. It was alleged by the state that on 26 December 2018 at about 0200 hours the 1st accused met deceased in the vicinity of Mpumelelo General Dealer’s shop at Mathe Business Centre in Tsholotsho. The two had an unknown unresolved grudge. It... More

On the 25th September 2017 around 22:00 hours and at Nubobs 27 Mine, Mphoengs the accused had a misunderstanding with the deceased. The accused stabbed the deceased eleven times all over the body with an Okapi knife. The deceased’s stomach was ripped open leaving the intestines protruding. The deceased was also stabbed in the testicles. The accused fled the scene of the crime. Deceased was rushed to Plumtree District Hospital. He was later transferred to United Bulawayo Hospitals. He died on 27th September 2017 as a result of injuries sustained in the attack. More

The two accused persons appeared in this court charged with two (2) counts of murder as defined in section 47 of the Criminal Law (Codification and Reform) Act, Chapter 9:23, it being alleged that on 16 October 2010 and at Chomuzi island, in the Zambezi river, Victoria Falls, the two accused persons caused the deaths of Abel and Dennis Ngandu by drowning, ordering them to swim across the Zambezi river from the Zimbabwean side to the Zambian side intending to kill them or realising that there is a real risk or possibility that their conduct may cause the deaths of... More

The accused person faces a charge of murder, it being alleged that on the 26th November 2018, in Gweru, he unlawfully caused the death of Lucy Duve by striking her with an unknown object on the head and also used booted feet, fists and open hands to assault her all over the body several times, intending to kill her or realising that there was a real risk or possibility that his conduct may cause her death but nonetheless continued in such conduct. The following were tendered as exhibits before the court:- 1) the state summary 2) the defence outline 3)... More