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Court Judgements

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The deceased was 46 years old when he was caused to meet his maker. On 20 September 2016 in the dead of night, he was asleep with his wife Dorothy Nduna and a female employee, Sibonokuhle Nyoni at his Tuck Shop, at Ndlovu Mining Syndicate Mine in the Matopo gold panning areas. They were awakened by the loud noise of someone bludgeoning the door. The person succeeded and upon entering the tuck shop, demanded money from the deceased. He then immediately struck the deceased once on the forehead above the left eye and once on the right upper limb with... More

The 3 accused persons (originally 4) are facing a charge of murder as defined in section 47(1) of the Criminal Law (Codification and Reform) Act Chapter 9:23. The state adduced oral evidence from five (5) witnesses. The deceased was Emmanuel Khulekani Moyo who at the time he met his death was 26 and resided at number 238, 10th Street, Makokoba. It was the state’s case that on 24 May 2010 at about 2130 hours the deceased was walking home when he met the four (4) accused persons at the corner of 6th Street and 4th Road, Makokoba, Bulawayo. They demanded... More

The accused is charged with murder as defined in section 47 (1) of The Criminal Law (Codification and Reform) Act (Chapter 9:23), (The Code). The specific allegations are that on the 24th of January 2018 and at Makokwe village, Gungwe area Guyu, Gwanda, the accused person assaulted the deceased with an unknown object once on the head intending to kill the deceased or realising that there is a risk or possibility that his conduct may cause death of the deceased continued to engage in that conduct despite the risk or possibility. The accused pleaded not guilty to the charge. More

This matter was referred to me by the Regional Magistrate, Gokwe in terms of section 58 (3) of the Magistrates Court Act (Chapter 7:10). Upon receipt of this record, I caused a warrant of liberation to be issued with concurrence of my brother MAKONESE J,. The accused, a 37 year old employee of Gokwe District Hospital was charged with contravening section 67 (a) (i) of the Criminal Law (Codification and Reform) Act (Chapter 9:23), “indecent assault” in that on 15th day of December 2018 and at Gokwe new rank, the accused unlawfully and with indecent intent lifted complainant’s skirt, touched... More

The accused appeared before a Regional Magistrate at Bulawayo charged with having extra-marital sexual intercourse with a young person in contravention of section 7O(1)(a) of the Criminal Law Codification and Reform Act (Chapter 9:23). The age of the complainant was stated in the charge sheet to be 15 years but no evidence of her age was led. On his part, the accused pleaded guilty but denied knowing the complainant’s age. He was convicted and sentenced to 15 months imprisonment of which 5 months imprisonment was suspended for 5 years on condition the accused does not during this period commit any... More

Legal Aid Directorate The deceased arrived at Andrew Muleya’s homestead looking for his lost cattle. The accused and the deceased exchanged harsh words. Accused then uttered words to the effect that, “Get away from here. I am not the one who bewitched you. You failed to sleep with your mother to become a traditional healer.” The deceased momentarily left the scene, and was going away when, suddenly he returned and struck the accused with a stick on the shoulder. The accused’s reaction was swift. He picked up a home-made axe and struck the deceased behind the neck. The deceased sustained... More

On the 10th May 2018 and at around 16:00 hours, Chitekete place in Muyobe Village, ChiefSiabuwa,Binga, was the venue for a drinking party. Traditional brew was for sale. EsteryMuzamba was host to several villagers who had gathered to enjoy the alcoholic drink commonly known as “skokiana” or quick brew. The beer is known to be popular in the country side for its affordability andpotency. The beer is typically brewed over one day. It was at this place, where the deceased, Charles Chama Muzamba, the first and second accused and others were gathered and consuming alcohol. The first accused was aged... More