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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by year
Notwithstanding the fact that the matter was disposed of on the basis of an order by consent, a written judgment was necessary to clarify the law on the issue behind the interpretation of s 93(5a) of the Labour Act [Chapter 28:01] (“the Act”). More

This judgment is given in default of appearance by the respondents. I am much concerned by the conduct of the officials from the office of the Attorney General, the second respondent herein. More

In this matter the Plaintiff issued summons claiming:- a) $50 000-00 being damages for the unlawful suspension of the marketing licence agreement. b) $1 350-00 being the reimbursement of the value of plaintiff’s licences used without plaintiff’s consent and authority. c) $64 350-00 being 5% gross turn-over for the unauthorized use of the plaintiff’s licences. d) $25 000-00 being refund of plaintiff’s capital injected into the service station. e) $73 935-29 being payment for losses incurred at the service station due to the defendant’s failure and negligence in monitoring the service station equipment f) $44 283-00 being the reimbursement for... More

This is an urgent chamber application to stay the execution of the judgment issued in the matter under case number HC 2272/18; Ex-Ref LC/MT/531/18; Ex-Ref LC/B/LARA/2777/18 and the sale of applicant’s movable property being a trailer, bearing registration number ABS 1872. The application is premised on the following grounds: (a) the matter is urgent; (b) applicant will suffer irreparable harm or prejudice if execution is granted; (c) applicant has very good prospects of success on the merits in the main application under case number HC 823/19 More

The seven applicants are Chinese nationals. On the 23rd of December 2018, the applicants were arrested at Victoria Falls and charged on the first count with contravening section 45 (1) (b) of the Parks and Wildlife Act (Chapter 25:14), that is, acquire, use or possess rhino horns. On the second count the applicants were charged with violating section 8(3) as read with section 8(8) of the Money Laundering and Proceeds of Crime Act (Chapter 9:24), i.e. unlawfully acquire, use or possess property knowing or suspecting at the time of receipt that such property is the proceeds of crime. The applicants... More

This is an appeal against part of the judgment of the Special Court of Income Tax Appeals. More

This is an appeal against the judgment of the Fiscal Appeal Court setting aside the classification and revaluation by the appellant’s Commissioner of Customs and Excise of a 2006 white box van Iveco 40C14 motor vehicle. The respondent imported the motor vehicle in question through the Plumtree Border Post on 23 August 2013. It’s clearing agent declared the motor vehicle as a “2006 IVECO DAILY BOX VAN MODIFIED AS AN AMBULANCE”. That much is not in dispute. What is in dispute is the proper classification of the motor vehicle in question for the purposes of calculating customs duty payable to... More