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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by year
This is an application that is headed “Chamber Application for Condonation of Late Filing of Application for Leave to Appeal in terms of Rule 61 of the Supreme Court of Zimbabwe Rules 2018.” More

On 30 November 2016, the High Court issued an order in which it allowed the application for the registration of an arbitral award granted in favour of the respondents. In addition, the High Court dismissed an application for a counterclaim mounted by the appellant. The costs of the matter were awarded to the respondent. More

This is an appeal against a decision of the High Court granting the respondents’ application for the review of the appellant’s decision to increase tariffs applicable to the respondents. More

At the conclusion of the hearing of an appeal noted to the Labour Court by the appellant, the Labour Court upheld the point in limine taken by the respondent that the appeal was improperly before the court as it sought to impugn findings of fact rather than law. As a consequence of that finding, the court a quo dismissed the appeal with costs. It is against that order that the appellant has now approached this Court seeking an order setting aside that finding and remitting the matter to the court a quo for a determination of the matter on the... More

This is an application for ‘an order’. The draft is couched as follows: “(1) The application for quantification in United States Dollars be and is hereby granted. (2) The Respondent is hereby ordered to pay the Retrenchees as follows: (a) Innocencia C. Chitauro US$10 663-38 (b) Cosmas Chitauro US$2 793-36 (c) Respondent to pay costs of suit.” The application is opposed. In 2005 the present respondent filed an appeal with this court. The appeal was dismissed in judgment LC/H/70/2005. At the time that the judgment was granted the respondent was trying to resile from an agreement it had entered with... More

It is quite clear from the facts presented before me that the leadership of the 1st applicant, the Zimbabwe Sugar Milling Workers Union (the Union) is hotly contested. There are two factions claiming to be the legitimate Executive Committee members of the Union. These two factions have been for sometime now engaged in bruising legal battles apparently taking no prisoners. More

This is an application for leave to execute pending appeal against the judgment of this court per MAKONESE J under case number HC 2434/17 registering an arbitral award in favour of the applicant. The facts are that the applicant’s members are respondent’s employees. Pursuant to a dispute over non-payment of applicant’s members’ salaries, an Arbitrator granted an award on 16 December 2015 ordering respondent to pay US$1 116 053,,50 to the applicant. On 12 September 2017 the applicant filed an application for the registration of the award under HC 2434/17 in terms of s98(14) of the Labour Act (Chapter 28:01).... More