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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by year
This is an appeal for the registration of an arbitral award. The applicant is a union. The founding affidavit was sworn to by a Mr Mathias Mandaza and it refers to the award that was made in favour of the union on 16 December 2015, wherein the respondent was ordered to pay a sum ofUS$1 116 503,50. The applicant avers that the award remains unsatisfied as respondent has failed, neglected and or refused to comply with the arbitral award. The respondent has raised a point in limine to the effect that applicant is a legal persona with a constitution which... More

This is an appeal against the decision of the Appeals Committee dated 5 March 2019. The Appellant was found guilty of breaching Section E11 Category 5 offence number 2 i.e. “any conduct or omission inconsistent with the fulfilment, the express or implied conditions of his/her employment”. He was found guilty and dismissed from employment. More