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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by year
This is an appeal in terms of section 92D of the Labour Act [Cap28:01]. The appeal is noted against the determination by the Respondent’s Appointed Designated Officer which determination was confirmed by the Human Resources Committee Board on the 13th of October 2017. The determination was to the effect that Appellant be dismissed from employment. More

This is an appeal against the whole judgement of the High Court handed down on 14 March 2018, dismissing the appellant’s counter claim against the first respondent. More

First appellant is aged 42 years and resides at Vhumbunu Village Chief Mutasa, Watsomba and is unemployed. Second appellant is also aged 42 years and resides at Village 7 Dombo Rutinhira, Chief Mutasa, Penhalonga, he is also not employed. On 23 April 2020 at around 11:30 hours police were deployed on an operation to arrest illegal gold panners along Nyakaunga River, Sheba Estates, Penhalonga. They intercepted both appellants prospecting gold each using a hoe and apprehended them. Appellants were asked to produce any permit or licence but failed to produce neither. On 24 April 2020 both appellants appeared at Mutare... More

2. The first to third respondents were employed by the appellant as Managing Director CFI Holdings Retail, Managing Director Victoria Foods and Chief Operating Officer CFI Holdings Limited respectively. Their contracts of employment were terminated on notice by identical letters dated 26 January 2016. They were each given three months’ written notice. The letters of termination indicated that they were not required to serve the period of notice but that they should immediately leave the premises of the appellant. 3. The respondents were disgruntled by the appellant’s decision to terminate their employment and approached a Labour Officer with claims of... More

The parties appeared before ZHOU J in case no. HC 7529/21 which was an urgent application brought by the applicants against the same respondents herein and other respondents who are not parties herein. ZHOU J granted a provisional order in favour of the applicants on 28 December, 2020. More

Plaintiff issued summons on 12 November 2015 against 1st and 2nd defendants for : “(a) An order declaring the verbal agreement of sale entered into between plaintiff and her late husband Richard Roberts on one hand and Lindy Gunn on the other in March 2004 regarding stand number 41 Hillside South Township 3 of Subdivision 5W of Matsheumhlope also known as 4 Clocolan Road, Burnside, Bulawayo binding on 1st and 2nd defendants for all intents and purposes. (b) An order that 2nd defendant signs all papers that need to be signed in any public office, be it City of Bulawayo,... More