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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by year
In this court application, applicant seeks the eviction of 1st respondent and all those claiming the right of occupation through her from House No. 23/12 Mbizo, Kwekwe (property), and costs of suit on a legal practitioner and client scale. The application is opposed by the 1st respondent. The background to this matter is that, on the 16 November 2006, applicant entered into an agreement of sale with one Jaison Kamutatu (now late). The subject matter of the agreement was House No. 23/12 Mbizo, Kwekwe. The property was transferred into the name of the applicant on the 5th January 2007. Jaison... More

The parties to this dispute can loosely be described as “business partners” in a joint mining venture. In a contract whose interpretation now forms the subject matter of the dispute, the applicant appears and have agreed to permit the respondent to "work" on three of its mining claims in return for certain sums of money as consideration. I deliberately used the word“appear” for the simple reason that the parties are now bitterly divided over the meaning and import of the terms of the contract and ultimately its validity. More

This is an appeal against the whole judgment of the High Court (the court a quo) granting absolution from the instance with costs, at the close of the appellant’s case (he was the plaintiff in the court a quo). The judgment was handed down on 30 August 2017. More

This matter came before me on the Unopposed Roll. I requested for heads of argument after raising issues with regard to the applicant’s locus standi in the matter. The supplementary heads of argument were indeed filed. More

The applicants seek the following order. Pending determination of this matter the applicant is granted the following relief:- More

This is an application for review of the taxing officer’s decision in assessing costs in HC 31/14. The gist of the application is premised on the issues stated in paragraphs 4 and 5 of the founding affidavit which reads thus: “This is an application in terms of Order 38 Rule 314 for the review of the decision of the taxing officer in relation to the taxation of the bills of costs in the matter HC 31/14 …” More

The applicants brought this application on a certificate of urgency seeking the relief as appears below: - More