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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by year
On 12 October 2015, the first respondent declined jurisdiction to quantify the appellant’s retrenchment package upon the termination of his employment with the second respondent. Aggrieved by the decision, the appellant brought a review application before the Labour Court, seeking among other relief, to have the first respondent’s decision set aside. He was unsuccessful. This is an appeal against the entire judgment of the Labour Court handed down on 4 November 2016, dismissing with costs, the application for review. More

This is an appeal against the decision of the magistrate sitting in Gweru. The grounds of appeal are that: “1. The court a quo erred in granting the application for absolution from the instance, when the same did not find favour in the law. 2. The court a quo grossly misdirected itself in absolving the plaintiff’s claims, when the plaintiff’ had established a prima facie case with facts supportive of his cause and warranting the defendant to be placed on his defence to rebut the claims”. The appeal was dealt with on 20 May 2020 and an ex tempo judgment... More

The appellant raised a point in limine that while respondent has applied for condonation for late filing of heads of argument the respondent was in fact improperly before the court for failure to file a notice of response. The respondent admitted that they were in breach of filing the notice of response. The issue had also been raised out of court by the court through the clerk as the court wanted to know whether it could be a filing error at the court. Despite this early reminder the respondent had not applied for rectification. In fact the respondent proceeded as... More

The plaintiff was the owner of stand 8140 Victoria Falls Township and title to the property was held under title deed number 1816/2014. As Town Clerk for Victoria Falls Municipality he was offered stand 1537 Victoria Falls Township Lands as part of his conditions of service. He therefore ‘owned’ two properties in Victoria Falls. More

This is an application for bail pending trial. The accused persons are facing murder allegations in contravention of section 47 (1) (a) of the Criminal Law (Codification Reform) Act (Chapter 9:23). The applicants deny the allegations. The brief allegations are that on 5th November 2020 around 0300 hours at Gwanda, applicants acting in common purpose assaulted the deceased, Prince Mkhululi Moyo, aged 22 years, several times on the head and shoulder, stabbed him once on the head, under the ear, once on the back and seven times on the right leg. The deceased succumbed from injuries sustained in the assault.... More

On the 26th October 2017 Applicants filed an application in this Court for the “Quantification of Award”. Respondent opposed the application. Applicants based the application on the order referenced LC/H/ORD/1827/17 issued by this Court on the 4th October 2017. More

At the end of the hearing in this matter it became clear that the appellant had no case. An order dismissing the appeal was thereafter made. The following are the reasons. More