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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by year
The seventeen applicants had been members of the police force of different ranks until their discharge at different times for various misdemeanours. Through the law firm of Mugiya & Macharaga they each applied to this court, on separate processes and on different dates,to challenge their discharge and seek reinstatement. One group brought review applications. Another sought declaratory orders. The two counsel, in consultation with the Registrar of this court, agreed that the circumstances of the applicants’ discharge, the nature of their complaints before the court and the remedies sought, were substantially the same. As such,counsel arranged to have all the... More

This is an application for the confirmation of a draft ruling made by the applicant in relation to a dispute between the 1st and 2nd respondents who are the substantive parties in this matter. Background The 1st respondent employed the 2nd respondent on a fixed term contract basis as the head of its finance and administration. More

This is an application for confirmation of a draft ruling made by a Labour Officer in terms of section 93 (5a) (a) and (b) of the Labour Act [Chapter 28:01] [The Act]. An order confirming the application was made. Reasons were to follow. More

This matter concerns an immovable property namely House No. 48, McGhie Avenue Rhodene, Masvingo (hereinafter called the house) which forms part of the estate of the, late Cornelio Evans Ndige who died on 25 March 2012 and whose estate is registered under WE34/13 More

This is a review of taxation in terms of r 56 of the Supreme Court Rules 2018. The Rule provides that any party aggrieved by the taxation of a bill of costs shall give notice of review setting out his or her grounds of objection. Thereafter the matter shall be set down before a judge in chambers. More

This is an appeal against refusal of bail pending appeal filed in terms of s 121 (2) (b) of the Criminal Procedure and Evidence Act [Chapter 9:07 On 12 October 2020 the appellant was convicted at Nyanga Magistrate Court for contravening s 368 (1) as read with s 368 (4) of the Mines and Minerals Act after a plea of guilty. He was sentenced to the mandatory sentence of 2 years imprisonment. On 15 October 2020 he filed a Notice of Appeal against conviction where in principle the appellant contended that the court a quo failed to sufficiently explain the... More

This is an application for condonation and for extension of time within which to file an application for reinstatement of case number LC/H/APP/596/18. At the hearing, the respondent raised several preliminary points which included that the application was fatally defective in several respects which included the following; • That there was no proper affidavit in support of the application. It was submitted that the founding affidavit was not signed before a commissioner of oaths and the applicant herself who had filed the founding affidavit in her name, had not even signed the founding affidavit. It was also submitted by the... More