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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by year
This is an appeal against the whole judgment of the Labour Court sitting at Harare. The appellant was aggrieved by the assumption of jurisdiction by the court a quo in an application for the conversion to United States dollars of part of an award that sounded in Zimbabwean dollars. The award was granted by the court a quo and had subsequently been registered with the High Court. More

This is an appeal against the decision of the Appeals Board of the National Employment Council for the Banking undertaking (Appeals Board). More

This is an appeal against the decision of the National Employment Council for the banking undertaking’s appeals board. The Respondent was employed by appellant at its operations centre as a data input clerk. She was charged in the main for any serious act, conduct or omission inconsistent with fulfillment of the express or implied conditions oh her contract” as provided for under category “D” section 11(1) of the applicable code of conduct under S.I. 273/00, and alternatively breaching category “D” section 11(5) namely ‘fraud’. More

The plaintiff and the defendant are husband and wife. On 27th May 1976 they contracted a marriage in terms of the African Marriage Act (Chapter 5:07), (then Chapter 105). The marriage was blessed with five children. They are all majors. One is now deceased. Sometime in 1988 the parties started having marital problems. The parties lost love and affection for each other. In August 2018 the defendant forced the plaintiff out of the matrimonial home. The plaintiff now resides with relatives in Bulawayo. More

This is an application for review. The background is that the applicant alleges that she was employed by the 2nd respondent. The applicant’s services were terminated by the 2nd Respondent in December 2014 after the government had indicated that it was going to employ qualified ECD teachers in January of 2015. The applicant argued that she ought to have been retrenched but she was not. She argues that she was this fairly dismissed. More

On the 10th of April 2019 at Harare Applicant, qua Designated Agent made a ruling. She ordered 1st Respondent (employer) to pay 2nd to 12th Respondent (employees) a total sum of $21,065-45 in respect of their retrenchment package or terminal benefits. The payments were due within thirty (30) days of the ruling. Apparently the employer did not comply. Applicant then applied to this Court in terms of section 93 (5a) of the Labour Act Chapter 28:01(hereafter called the Act) for the confirmation of her ruling. The employer supported the application. The employees opposed the application. More

This is an application for bail pending trial. Applicant is being charged with the crime of murder as defined in section 47 of the Criminal Law [Codification and Reform] Act [Chapter 9:23]. On the 11 June 2020, applicant appeared before the Gwanda Magistrate’s Court, whereupon he was placed on remand and detained in custody. Since the applicant is facing a murder charge, an offence specified in the Third Schedule, the magistrate had no jurisdiction to entertain his bail application. This is so in terms of section 116 (c) (iii) of the Criminal Procedure and Evidence Act [Chapter 6.09], (the Act)... More