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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by year
This is an appeal against the determination of Respondent Works Council sitting as an Appeals Committee which determination was handed down on the 20th November, 2019. The determination effectively upheld an earlier determination by the Respondent Disciplinary Committee finding Appellant guilty and imposing thereafter a dismissal penalty. The appeal is opposed. More

The appellant was convicted and sentenced by the Magistrates Court at Mutasa. He was convicted for contravention of s 29 of the Petroleum Act [Chapter 13:22] as read with Petroleum (Liquid Gas) Regulations [Chapter 13:23] operating a liquid petroleum gas retail business without a licence. The appellant was convicted after a protracted trial and sentenced to pay a fine of RTGS$ 8 500-00 or in default of payment 6 months imprisonment. Dissatisfied with the conviction the appellant lodged the present appeal with this court. More

This is an application for review. The applicant was employed by the respondent following allegations of misconduct, a disciplinary hearing was conducted in terms of the respondent’s code of conduct. The applicant was convicted and dismissed from employment. Aggrieved, applicant filed this application for review. The respondent raised some points in limine. The first of which was that the applicant’s application for review was filed out of time. This objection was however later withdrawn by the Respondent. More

The issue which arises in this matter is rather a novel one. It is important for counsel to apply their minds to all matters which they deal with especially statutory offences. I find if unfair that counsel would not endeavour to carry out any meaningful research but rather swallow hook, line and sinker all what would have happened in the lower court. This is what happened in this matter and both counsel later admitted that they also doubted the propriety of the charge preferred against the appellant but nonetheless did not raise any eye brows. More

The 27 year old accused was arraigned before us facing the charge of murder as defined in section 47 (1) of the Criminal Law Codification and Reform Act [Chapter 9:23]. More

This is an appeal against the whole judgment of the High Court which dismissed the application by the appellant for variation of a consent order. More

This is an appeal against the whole judgment of the High Court in which the court dismissed the appellant’s application wherein he sought to obtain an order against the respondents for contempt of court coupled with a fine of “$10 000 each per More