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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by year
This urgent chamber application was filed on the 8th January 2019. I was only able to hear full argument in this matter on the 4th December 2019. I reserved judgment. This now is my ruling More

In this matter, the applicant seeks the following interim relief: “It is hereby ordered that: 1. Applicant be and is hereby granted leave to execute the judgment of this court in HC 2680/19 notwithstanding the appeal filed by the respondent to the Supreme Court. 2. The respondent to pay the applicant’s costs of suit on a legal practitioner and client scale.” More

This is an appeal against the judgment of the magistrate sitting at Bulawayo, handed down on the 19th February 2019. More

1. This is an appeal against the decision of the High Court handed down under HH 253/16 wherein the court a quo found the appellant liable to pay to the respondent the sum of US$847 847.65 together with costs of suit and interest at the prescribed rate from the date of the granting of the judgment to the date of payment in full. The appellant is a statutory corporation set up in terms of the Infrastructure Development Bank of Zimbabwe Act [Chapter 24:14] (“the IDBZ Act”). The respondent is an oil company registered in accordance with the Companies Act [Chapter... More

This is an appeal against the whole judgment of the High Court handed down on 26 July 2017 which judgment disposed of two cases, namely HC 8193/14 and HC 8866/14, which had been consolidated. The former was a summons action instituted by the second respondent for the eviction of the appellant from a property known as Stand 102 Logan Park Township of Lot 6A, Hatfield, Harare (the property). The latter was an action by the appellant for the cancellation of both the sale and transfer of the property to the second respondent. More

This is an application for leave to appeal against the decision of this court that was handed down on 9 February 2019. This court ordered the Applicant to reinstate the Respondent to his former position without loss of salaries and benefits and if reinstatement was no longer possible the Applicant was to pay Respondent damages in lieu of reinstatement. More

This is an application for leave to appeal against the decision of this Court that was handed down on 3 July 2020. In its judgment this Court ordered the Applicant to pay Respondent damages in the sum of US$10 328-00. The Respondent has raised the following point in limine. (i) That the application is improperly before this Court because Applicant has cited itself as Innscor Africa Limited t/a Bakers Inn Bakeries instead of Innscor Africa Bread (Pvt) Limited as appears from the judgment under case LC/H/145/20. It is the Respondent’s argument that the applicant is improperly before this court because... More