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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by year
This is an urgent chamber application wherein the applicant seeks the following interim relief:- “Pending the determination of applicant’s applications for review filed under cover of case numbers HCR 1141/20 and HCR 1423/20, proceedings in the case under cover of case number CRB BYO R 83/20 be and are hereby stayed. In the event that the interim relief is granted, the final order sought is:- “ Applicant’s case, proceeding under cover of case number CRB BYO R 83/20 having been reviewed and set aside in HC 1423/20, proceedings in CRB BYO R 83/20 be and are hereby permanently stayed.” More

The applicant who was 37 years old appeared at Rusape Regional Court on 24 April 2019 facing two counts of Rape as defined s 65 (1) (a) of the Criminal Law (Codification and Reform) Act, [Chapter 9:23]. On the first count the state alleged that on a date unknown to the prosecutor but during the period extending from December 2018 to January 2019 and at Chidawanyika Village, Chief Mutasa, Honde Valley, the applicant had sexual intercourse once with Juliet Mwanaka a female aged 7 years who at law is deemed incapable of consenting to sexual activities. The second count also... More

This is an application in terms of Order 49 rule 449 of the High Court rules, 1971 to correct a judgment of this court handed down on the 1st June 2017. The basis of the application is that the judgment of this court under cover of No. HB131/17 was made on the basis of a mistake that was common to all the parties; that the correction sought herein will not change the substance of the judgment but only the citation of the third respondent so that it properly reads Minister of Mines and Mining Development N.O. and that no party... More

This is an application to confirm or discharge a Provisional order granted by this court on the 9th of August 2019. The brief facts are that the applicant filed an urgent chamber application for an Interdict stopping transfer of an immovable property known as a Certain 2 012 square metres of land called Stand 317 Waterfalls Induna Township of Subdivision A of Lot 24 of Waterfalls Induna of Waterfalls situate in the District of Salisbury held under Deed of Transfer Number 6175/07 pursuant to an Order granted by the Harare Magistrates Court under case number MC 418/18 which order was... More

This is an appeal against the whole judgment of the High court handed down on 11 October 2018, dismissing the appellants’ application with costs on the higher scale. More

This is an application by the defendants for absolution from the instance at the close of the plaintiff’s case. The plaintiff’s claim which was instituted by way of summons is for payment of a sum of US$150 000, being damages for malicious allegations against the plaintiff, resulting in pain, inconvenience, injury to reputation, self-esteem and serious depression; US$10 000 being loss of income as a result of unlawful closure of plaintiff’s business stand from 6 October 2015 to 22 October 2015; US$12 460 being loss of income as a result of the unlawful closure of plaintiff’s business stands for the... More

On 16 November 2019 the four appellants noted an appeal against the decision of the Master of High Court (5th Respondent herein) where he accepted the late Rosemary Manyange’s Will for the purposes of the administration of the estate. The four appellants outlined twenty-three (23) grounds of appeal contained on five typed pages. It will not be necessary to repeat the grounds of appeal for the purposes of this judgment. The appeal was set down for hearing on 3 June 2020 after having been postponed earlier due to Covid 19 pandemic. On 3 June 2020 the first and third respondents... More