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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by year
This is an application for confirmation of the Ruling by the Labour Officer Ms N.C. Mutiba. In the ruling that was handed down on 21st May 2019 the 2nd Respondents were acquitted of the misconduct charges. The 1st Respondent was ordered to reinstate the 2nd Respondent without loss of salary and benefits or to pay damages in lieu of reinstatement. More

The appellant and two co-accused were each convicted by the High Court on 19 February 2007 of culpable homicide, armed robbery, 8 counts of kidnapping and 7 counts of administering a noxious substance. They were each sentenced to a total of 45 years imprisonment but the sentences of 5 years and 10 years in respect of the charges of kidnapping and administering a noxious substance were ordered to run concurrently. More

This is an application for bail pending trial. The applicant Naphitaly Longwani, a Zambian national is jointly charged with one Bhekumuzi Dube, a Zimbabwea national. The duo were arrested and initially charged with robbery committed in aggravating circumstances as defined in section 126 (1) of the Criminal law (Codification and Reform) Act (Chapter 9:23). The state has indicated its intention to drop the robbery charge. The state has indicated that an amendment to the charge has been made and the applicant is now facing a charge of theft of a motor vehicle. The state is opposing the application for bail... More

This is an appeal filed by the appellant against both conviction and sentence reached and passed by the Magistrate sitting at Mutare on the 8th of January 2020 where the appellant was convicted for a charge of unauthorised borrowing or use of property as defined in s 116 of the Criminal Law (Codification and Reform) Act [Chapter 9:23] and was sentenced to 14 months imprisonment of which 5 months imprisonment was suspended for 5 years on the usual conditions, 3 months imprisonment was further suspended on conditions appellant pays a fine of $1000-00 and the remaining 6 months were further... More

This is an appeal against the whole judgment of the Labour Court. In its judgment the court a quo found that the appellant had discriminated against the respondent by not granting him a 50 percent salary increase following a job evaluation exercise. More

The respondent was formerly employed by the appellant as a diesel electrician at the appellant’s Lochnivar Power Depot in Harare. On 31 March 2016, the respondent, joined 1357 of his fellow employees in a collective job action which had commenced on 29 March 2016. More

This is an appeal against the entire judgment of the Administrative Court, handed down on 26 March 2018 allowing an appeal by the respondent against the decision of the appellant, with a punitive award of costs. In essence, the judgment upheld the respondent’s contention that he was entitled to a pension from 1 June 2009, the date following his retirement at the age of fifty-nine years and six months, contrary to the appellant’s contention that the respondent became entitled to the pension with effect from 1 December 2009, upon his attainment of the age sixty. More