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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by year
The applicant instituted proceedings as a matter of urgency. The application was lodged in this Court on 15 May 2020, and heard on 29 May 2019. The final and the interim relief sought by the applicant have been formulated as follows: “Terms of the final order sought: 1. That it be and is hereby declared that the election of the applicant is lawful as it was in consequence of section 103 (4) as read section 103 (3) (iii) of the Urban Councils Act (Chapter 29:15). 2. Alternatively, that it be and is hereby ordered that applicant’s election occurred after 2ndrespondent‘s... More

The appellant was formerly employed by the respondent. Following the termination of the relationship a dispute arose over certain amounts that he claimed as being due and owing to him. He obtained an arbitral award on 28 June 2012. On 1 October 2012 the appellant applied through the chamber book for an order for the registration of the arbitral award as an order of the High Court. The respondent opposed the application on the grounds that it was not capable of registration because a component of the award is not sounding in money and on 19 August 2015 the High... More

The three Defendants filed a special plea seeking dismissal of the Plaintiff’s claim. The Plaintiff issued summons seeking the following relief from the court: 1. An order declaring the agreement of sale between the Plaintiff and First Defendant to be valid and still operational. 2. An order declaring the agreement of sale that was entered into between the First, Second and Third Defendants to be null and void. 3. An order nullifying the transfer of title of land into the Third Defendant’s name. 4. Costs of suit. More

The appeal revolved around mining claims at Wendale 43 Block situated in Domboshava registered under certificate no. 18007. The parties were all registered companies, having been registered in terms of the company laws of Zimbabwe. In February 2018 the first respondent wrote to the appellant, seeking from it a tribute arrangement in respect of the mining location in issue. The request was rejected. Despite the rejection, on 30 May 2018 the first respondent was observed exploiting minerals at the appellant’s mining location. When confronted, the first respondent indicated that it had partnered with the second respondent in a mining venture... More

This is an application purportedly made in terms of r 73 of the Supreme Court Rules, 2018 as read with r 449 (1) (b) of the High Court Rules, 1971 for the correction of a judgment issued by a judge of this Court in chambers on 20 January 2020 in case number SC 562/19. More

This is an appeal against the whole judgment of the Labour Court handed down on 4 October 2019, upholding the Arbitrator’s decision, to the effect that the appellant was not constructively dismissed. More

The three applicants seekthe rescission of a default judgment that was entered against them on 4 December, 2019. The respondent had issued summons out of this court for the delivery of replacement motor vehicle parts or in the alternative payment of a certain sum of money being their replacement value (as well as interest thereon) and costs of suit. The default judgment followed the failure by applicants to enter appearance to defend within the dies induciae More