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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by year
This is an appeal against the decision of the National Employment Council Appeals Committee which was handed down on the 6th of June, 2014 which Appellant submitted he received on the 13th of June, 2014. The National Employment Council Appeals Committee in its determination dismissed the appeal noted by the Appellant and upheld the penalty of dismissal. More

This is an application for rei vindicatio in respect of a motor vehicle namely Foton Registration AAE 6811, Airtel WIFI Modem serial number 5LL 7517C22027996 and a Tel-One internet moderm presently in possession of the respondent. The applicant claims it is the owner of the property which was issued to the respondent for conducting council business prior to his suspension and dismissal. The applicant contends that it requires the property so as to redeploy some to lawful council business. The respondent having been relieved of his duties is no longer entitled to possess the property in question. The respondent on... More

This is an application for confirmation of a draft ruling by a Labour officer, the applicant. The 2nd respondent, hereinafter referred to as the employee was employed by the Zimbabwe Revenue Authority, the 1st respondent (ZIMRA). The background facts These are common cause. I will just include them here for completeness. More

The appellant has approached this Court in terms of Rule 67 of the Rules of this Court which rule must be read with s 121 of the Criminal Procedure and Evidence Act [Chapter 9:07]. More

This is an application for condonation for late noting of an appeal. The application is almost three years out of time. A reading of the papers filed for the application would lead one to think that infact it is an application for review if one does not read the notice. The papers do not deal with the main issues that such an application must address. Only the reason for delay is addressed. Nevertheless the court was generous enough not to dismiss the application out of hand but pointed to the applicant the issues that needed to be addressed. The application... More

This is an application for review. The applicants were employees of the respondent. They were charged under section 4(b) of the Statutory Instrument 15 of 2006 [SI 15 of 2006] (the national code). They sought to be represented by an official from Zimbabwe Educational Scientific Social Cultural Workers Union (ZESSCWU). The Chairperson of the disciplinary committee ruled that ZESSCWU was not a registered trade union and the official could not represent the applicants. The applicants were grieved by this decision and upon advise from their would be representative, they abandoned the proceedings. The hearing proceeded in their absence and they... More

This is an appeal against the whole judgment of the Labour Court handed down on 16 December 2016 whereby it upheld the appeal by the respondent and set aside the decision of the NEC Appeals Board for The Banking Undertaking (the NEC Appeals Board). The latter had set aside the decision of the Disciplinary Committee dismissing the appellant. More