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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by year
This application was placed before me in the unopposed motion Court of the 18 June 2020. When this matter was called during the middle of the roll, I stood it down to the end of the roll, in order not to inconvenience other legal practitioners who had simple and unopposed matters to deal with. I noted that the 2nd respondent filed an affidavit conceding the relief sought by the applicant.The matter is not opposed. I asked counsel for the applicant to make submissions, on whether a single judge of this court, may hear argument on the merits and set aside... More

The appellant in this case is facing a charge of contravening section 3(1) of the Gold Trade Act (Chapter 21:03). The state alleges that on the 15th of June 2020 and at 26 Adair Drive, Killarney, Bulawayo the applicant not being the holder of a licence or permit unlawfully and intentionally possessed 78 melted buttons of gold weighing 2 788,38g. The appellant denies the allegations. More

Applicant applied to this Court for condonation of a belated quest for review. Respondent opposed the application. He worked for the Respondent as a Bookkeeper. He was charged with misconduct. A hearing was held in his absence. A guilty verdict was returned. The punishment therefor was his dismissal from employment. The termination letter is dated the 8th April 2019. This application for condonation was filed on the 1st October 2019. The intervening period amounts to six (6) months. The Labour Court Rules S.I 150/17 in Rule 20(1) require that a review be brought within twenty-one days from the date proceedings... More

On the 31st August 2018 the Designated agent issued a determination in which he dismissed the appellant’s claim of unlawful dismissal on the basis that the exercise of retrenchment embarked on by respondent was within the ambit of the law and therefore above board. Aggrieved by this determination, appellant noted this appeal on the ground that; the Designated agent erred and misdirected himself on a point of law in failing to hold that the appellant was unlawfully dismissed from employment by the respondent under the guise of a retrenchment which was not done in accordance with the law. More

The history of this matter is that allegations of underpayments of wages, non-payment of overtime and unfair dismissal were raised by the respondents against applicant with the Ministry of Public Service, Labour and Social Welfare, Marondera. More

This is an application for condonation for the late filing of an appeal and for an extension of time within which to note an appeal. The application is made in terms of r 43 (1) and (3) of the Supreme Court Rules, 2018. More

In a judgment dated 2 November 2018, this court set aside Arbitrator Bvumbe’s arbitral award. Applicants are dissatisfied with that decision and intend to approach the Supreme Court on appeal. This is therefore an application for leave to appeal in terms of s 92 F of the Labour Act, [Chapter 28:01]. More