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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by year
Appellant appealed to this Court against his discharge from employment by Respondent. The ground of appeal was worded as follows, “The decision by respondent to uphold my discharge was misplaced because it was based on a wrong admission of guilty which was made at the behest of the disciplinary committee which misled and pressurised the respondent to admit what he had not done. The admission did not consider the mitigatory issues tendered by the appellant.” In addition Appellant filed Heads of Argument in support of his appeal. The Heads declaimed thus, More

On the 10th July 2020 applicant appeared before me in bail court and motivated his application for bail pending appeal in a robbery conviction and l delivered an ex-tempore ruling. In September the applicant requested written reasons for the judgment and these are they. More

The five applicants face a charge of contravening section 126 (b) of the Criminal Law (Codification and Reform) Act (Chapter 9:23) “Armed Robbery.” The allegations are that on 17th June 2020 during the night, the 5th applicant connived with 2nd and 3rd applicants to go to Inyathi some 60 km away to rob complainant. Second and 3rd applicants are members of the Zimbabwe National Army who were deployed to perform COVID 19 duties at Bulawayo Polytechnic. The two soldiers were in full army uniform and armed with Zimbabwe National Army AK 47 rifles. The three drove to Inyathi where they... More

MABHIKWA J: For good reason, I will endeavor to outline the brief history of this matter, it is as follows; On 9 January 2017 at around 0730 hours and at the intersection of Fife Street and Leopold Takawira Avenue in Bulawayo, one Sitshengisiwe Guveya was driving a Mazda Bongo, registration number 4646. She was arrested by the police. More

This is an appeal from the decision of the respondents who dismissed appellant from employment following disciplinary proceedings. An order dismissing the appeal was made. Reasons were to follow. More

This is an application for condonation of late noting of an appeal. The facts are that the applicant was charged and found guilty of acts of misconduct. He was charged in terms of the National Employment Code of Conduct S.I. 15/2006. He was found guilty. His appeal at the workplace failed. The respondent advised him that if he was not in agreement with the outcome he could take his matter to a labour officer. He did so. Thereafter the labour officer made his draft ruling and applied to have it confirmed by the Labour Court. The application for confirmation was... More

This is an appeal against the decision of the Legal Practitioners’ Disciplinary Tribunal handed down on 6 March 2019, ordering that the appellant’s name be deleted from the register of Legal Practitioners, Notaries’ Public and Conveyancers. On the day following the hearing in this matter, the court issued an order dismissing the appeal with costs, and indicated that the reasons for the order would follow in due course More