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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by year
The whole point of this review judgement is to once again stress the importance, in a contested criminal trial, of observing the peremptory provisions of section 200 of the Criminal Procedure and Evidence Act, [Chapter 9:07]. This section provides as follows: More

The late Mariana Moyo died intestate prompting the administration and management of her estate to be placed in the hands of the 1st respondent as the Executrix Dative on 19 March 2012. It would appear that the appointment of the 1st respondent was brought about by the deceased’s relatives together with the beneficiaries of the estate. This estate appears to be facing a number of challenges as evidenced by this application. More

This is an appeal against the decision of the National Employment Council for the Welfare and Educational Institutions. The grounds of appeal are that; 1. The appeals committee a quo grossly erred and erroneously misdirected itself in finding that Appellant ought to have proved that excessive force had been used rather than that extreme pain and discomfort had been felt. 2. The NEC Appeal Committee grossly erred and seriously misdirected itself in ignoring the extant untested evidence to the effect that the assault by Respondent had caused the child extreme pain and discomfort. A fortiori, the committee erred in finding... More

This is an application for leave to appeal against the respondent’s acquittal at the close of the state case. The applicant is the Prosecutor General of Zimbabwe. The application was filed in terms of section 61(b) of the Magistrate’s Court Act [Chapter 7:10]. An affidavit of one Blessing Gundani, a Principal Public Prosecutor, stationed at Tredgold Building, Bulawayo is used in support of the application. Again, in support of the application, applicant attached the charge sheet; outline of the state case, respondent’s defence outline; a copy of the proceedings from the magistrate’s court; a copy of the ruling from the... More

This is an interpleader application brought in terms of Order 30 Rule 205 A of the High Court Rules, 1971. The subject matter of contestation being a 45 year old Mazda B 1600 pick-up truck Registration Number AAH 9248 (the motor vehicle). This motor vehicle was attached by the Sheriff pursuant to a judgment by this court in case No. HC 7513/17. In that case the judgment creditor obtained judgment against three co-defendants;Zimside Logistics (Private) Limited, Elliot Matanga and Charles Mathe for the payment of atotal sum of $39 582 for what is described in the court order as “loss... More

This record was referred to me by the Acting Regional Magistrate Bulawayo with the following comment; “Please place the above record before the Honourable Judge for direction. Accused was facing 10 (ten) counts i.e 1 to 10 and he pleaded not guilty to all of them. Trial was held in respect of count 1 and 2 and a verdict was entered. From count 3 to 10 no trial was held. However the trial Magistrate proceeded and entered a verdict of not guilty and acquitted the accused. May the Honourable Justice direct as to whether the proceedings were proper or not... More

The accused is a female adult aged 54 years old. She appears in this court on a charge of murder. It is alleged that on the 18th March 2015 at Coolmoreen Farm Gweru accused unlawfully and intentionally caused the death of Rejoice Moyo a female aged 3 years by striking her all over the body with a switch or other similar object thereby causing her death. The accused denies the allegations of murder. She tenders a limited plea of guilty with respect to the lessor charge of culpable homicide. The state accepts the limited plea. More