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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by year
Applicant applied to this Court for the review of his dismissal from employment by Respondent. Respondent opposed the application. There were three (3) grounds of appeal. During oral argument in this Court Applicant abandoned two(2) of the grounds. More

This is an appeal against a decision of the Administrative Court upholding the penalty imposed on the appellant by the respondent for the non-notification of a merger that it was a party to. More

When the parties initially squared off the dispute was whether or not to grant an application for the cancellation of the agreement of the sale of a motor vehicle entered into by the parties(and other related relief sought by the applicant). However, the matter soon assumed a different complexion in the wake of the about turn made by the respondent company which,after initially resisting the applicant’s prayer for the said cancellation, subsequently acceded to the same. The dispute then narrowed down to the question of the determination of the refund of that part of the purchase price which the respondent... More

According to the declaration, the plaintiff resides in Mutare. He is a registered legal practitioner practising under the style of Mutungura and Partners where he is the managing and senior partner. He is also the Registrar of the Anglican Diocese of Manicaland in the Church of the Province of Central Africa. First defendant is a former headmaster of St Mathias Tsonzo High School owned by the Anglican Diocese of Manicaland. Second defendant is a school bursar at St Mathias Tsonzo High School. More

On 10 November 2015 the applicants filed an application for a declaratur in this court seeking the following order: “1. That the respondents’ trial proceedings in terms of the Police Act against the applicants be and are hereby set aside. 2. That the trial of the applicants in terms of the Police Act for the allegations for which they were charged with in terms of the ordinary law is declared wrongful and unlawful. 3. That the respondents are ordered to pay costs on a client – attorney scale.” More

On 7 August 2020 the High Court of Mutare issued an urgent chamber application for execution pending appeal filed by the successful party, the applicant, Associated Mine Workers Union of Zimbabwe. It is a special application where the applicant wants to be given leave to execute the judgment granted under Case Number HC 99/19 dated 23 July 2020. Applicant is seeking the following relief: More

The accused appeared before a magistrate sitting at Bulawayo’s Tredgold Court facing up to 49 counts of the former common law crime of theft by conversion, now known as theft of trust property as defined in section 113 (2) (b) of the Criminal Law (Codification and Reform) Act [Chapter 9:23]. It was the state case that the appellant was employed by the various complainants as a messenger. His duties included among others, going to make bank deposits at ZIMRA and some utility bill payments at Bulawayo City Council on behalf of the complainants. More