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Court Judgements

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The accused is charged with murder. He has denied the murder charge and pleaded guilty to culpable homicide. The statement of agreed facts filed by both counsel reveals that the accused is deceased’s father. On the fateful evening, the deceased allegedly sneaked out of her bedroom hut. The accused noticed the deceased’s absence. He advised his son, the deceased’s brother. Together they set out to look for her. They met her on her way home from the business centre in the company of a boyfriend. They took her home. At home they asked her about her movements at night and... More

The accused person appeared before a Magistrate sitting at Masvingo charged with 3 counts of contravening section 114(2)of the Criminal Law Codification and Reform Act [Chapter 9:23]. In essence accused stole 3 donkeys from the complainant in count one, one donkey from the complainant in count two and 6 donkeys from the complainant in count three. In total he stole 10 donkeys of which only three donkeys were recovered. More

The accused is 23 years old. He was 21 at the time of commission of the offence. The deceased was 32. The accused was charged with one count of murder as defined in section 47 (1 of the Criminal Code, Chapter 9:23. He denied the murder charge and pleaded guilty to the lesser charge of culpable homicide. The state and the defence filed an agreed statement of facts. The deceased was the accused’s uncle. The accused quarreled with his own mother allegedly over a piece of soap which he (accused had taken). The accused started assaulting his mother and sister.... More

The accused is charged with the crime of murder as defined in section 47 of the Criminal Law (Codification and Reform) Act Chapter 9:23. It being alleged that on the 26 June 2019, along a footpath between Bubude Business Centre and Sifungo Line, Tsholotsho the accused unlawfully head butted Mboneni Ndlovu (deceased) twice on the head below the left ear intending to kill him or realising that there is a real risk or possibility that his conduct may cause the death of the deceased and continued to engage in that conduct despite the risk or possibility.The accused pleaded not guilty... More

MOYO J: The accused in this matter faces a charge of murder, it being alleged that on the 9th of May 2017 the accused struck the deceased Primrose Ndlovu with an axe on the neck. The accused pleaded not guilty. The following were admitted into the court record as exhibits;- - The state summary. - The accused’s defence outline. - The 3 photos taken at the scene. - The post mortem report. - The axe that was allegedly used They were all duly marked. The evidence of Sonyboy Sibanda, Thandiwe Siziba, David Dube and Zororai Marevesa was admitted into the... More

The accused appeared before a Provincial Magistrate at Lupane facing one count of theft as defined in section 113 (1) of the Criminal Law Codification and Reform Act (Chapter 9:23). The accused pleaded guilty to the charge and was convicted and sentenced to 3 months imprisonment wholly suspended on condition accused restitutes the complainant the sum of $1 500 representing the value of the stolen goods. In addition accused was sentenced to 9 months imprisonment of which 3 months was suspended for 5 years on condition that accused does not commit an offence involving dishonesty as an element and for... More

The two accused were charged with the crime of murder. They pleaded not guilty to murder but guilty of culpable homicide. It is alleged that the deceased who was husband to the 1st accused and father to the 2nd accused came home drunk. The statement of agreed facts filed by all 3 counsel reveals that the deceased picked up a quarrel with his wife the 1st accused who apparently had reported an earlier assault to the police. During the quarrel, the 1st accused left the couple’s bedroom and went to sleep with her daughter. The accused followed there and started... More