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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by year
On 15 February 2021 I dismissed this bail application pending appeal filed by the applicants. I gave a brief ex tempore judgment for the dismissal. The applicants have requested through the Registrar for a fully dressed judgment. More

MAKARAU JA: The appellant and another who is not a party to this appeal, appeared before the High Court sitting at Harare, charged with one count of murder. After a contested trial, they were found guilty of murder with actual intent and were sentenced each to 25 years imprisonment. It was the finding of the court a quo that on 11 March 2011, they had unlawfully and intentionally caused the death of one Alneshto Bayeta by pushing him down a steep slope into Marongora Game Park which is infested with wild animals. More

In this court application, the applicant seeks the following relief; “1. The sale concluded by the 1st respondent in respect of the immovable property being stand No. 1986 of Gokwe, held under Title Deed of Grant No. 2072/12 be and is hereby cancelled. 2. The applicant shall bear the costs of cancellation of the sale.” BACKGROUND FACTS Judgment in default was entered against the applicant in favour of the 1st respondent for the recovery of a sum of US$ 11 454.66. In enforcing the judgment, 2nd respondent attached the applicant’s dwelling which property was then purchased by the 3rd respondent... More

The background to this appeal is that the appellant and his co-accused Tapiwanashe Chiringa appeared before the Provincial Magistrate at Harare Magistrates Court on 27 February, 2021 on allegations of contravening contravened s 5 (3) (a) of the Public Health (Covid 19 Prevention, Containment and treatment) National Lockdown consolidation and Amendment Order of S. I 200/2020 as read with S. I 42/2021 (Partakes or convenes a gathering). The details of the charge were that on 25 February, 2021, the appellant in the company of accomplices still at large who included one Joana Mamombe and Cecilia Revai Chimbiri attended the magistrates... More

This matter was set down as an application for quantification of damages due to the applicant employee following a labor dispute pitting him and the respondent employer. More

This is an application for the dismissal of a court application for want of prosecution in terms of Rule 236 (3) (b) of the High Court Rules 1971. It is not in dispute that the 1st and 2nd respondents (hereinafter referred to as the respondents) filed a court application under case number HC 3079/20 on 19 June 2020 against the applicant and others seeking a cancellation of certain title deeds. The applicant filed a notice of opposition on 1 July 2020 and served the respondents with the same on 2 July 2020. More

The background to this matter is as follows. On 24 April 2018 this matter was placed before me under a certificate of urgency. I gave directions relating to the hearing of the matter. Before the date of hearing counsel for 4th and 5th respondents indicated in writing that they will apply for a joinder. At the hearing Mr Muchadehama made a formal application as promised. The application was granted principally for the reason that the parties are involved in ongoing litigation in the two reference files cases both brought by the applicant. In HC 595/17 the applicant sought an order... More