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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by year
The applicant was a former employee of the first respondent and left employment following allegations of having stolen specified tools from his employer. He had signed an acknowledgement of debt in which he undertook to pay for the stolen items. Having failed to pay the amount as embodied in the acknowledgment of debt, his employer filed an application in the Magistrate’s court for recovery of the debt. His employer also held on to applicant’s vehicle as security for the debt. More

MAKONESE J: This matter was placed before me as an Urgent Chamber Application. The application was filed on the 3rd of March 2021. On the 5th of March 2021 the parties appeared before me in chambers. The matter was argued briefly. It was resolved that it was prudent for the 2nd respondent (Provincial Mining Director Midlands) to investigate the circumstances surrounding the mining dispute and thereafter file a comprehensive report on the matter to guide the court in coming up with a correct decision on the matter. More

This is an appeal against the first respondent’s order to forfeit two motor vehicles in respect of which the appellants claim ownership. More

This is an appeal against both conviction and sentence imposed upon the appellant by the Magistrates Court following a charge of aggravated indecent assault as defined in s 66 (1) (a) of the Criminal Law (Codification and Reform )Act [Chapter 9:23]. Appellant denied the charge in the court a quo. More

Appellant was found guilty and dismissed from employment by Respondent’sDisciplinary Authority for having committed two acts of misconduct, namely – “any act, conduct or omission inconsistent with fulfilment of the express, or implied conditions of his contract, and theft or fraud or commits a crime involving dishonesty.” More

The applicant is a duly elected Member of Parliament for the Norton Constituency. On 24 June 2020, during an ordinary sitting of the National Assembly over which the Speaker of Parliament was presiding, he was removed from Parliament and suspended for six consecutive sittings for allegedly behaving in a violent and grossly disorderly manner. The expulsion and suspension were ordered by the Speaker of Parliament, (“the Speaker”). More

The facts of this case are common cause. The applicant was employed by the respondent as a laboratory technician quality control analyst in Bulawayo. In July 2015, the respondent introduced an incentive scheme in terms of which employees were to be paid a monetary incentive twice a year, in July and December. The respondent made it clear in its scheme that the incentives were non-contractual and non-obligatory. The respondent intended to motivate its employees in the performance of their duties. One of the conditions of the incentive scheme was that it was not payable to employees with misconduct records or... More