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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by year
Appellant was employed by Respondent as its Managing Director. During the course of its business, Respondent entered to into a contract with a company styled PME Power Solutions (India) Ltd referred to as PME. The contract was for the design, supply of equipment, construction and commissioning of five (5) 33/11 KVA substations. An external audit carried out showed that there were irregular payments that had been done. Disciplinary action was recommended against the Appellant. More

This is an urgent chamber application for an order interdicting the first and second respondents from carrying on construction of roads or other infrastructure at Stand 21510 Kuwadzana Township of Fauntainbleu. This is also the same relief which is being sought on the return date save that in the terms of the final order sought the relief is being sought pending the finalisation of proceedings instituted separately under Case Numbers HC 1179/20, HC 2149/21 and HC 3425/21. More

The appellant was convicted of indecent assault as defined in section 67 (1) of the Criminal Law Codification and Reform Act Chapter 9.23. The facts of the matter are that the appellant indecently assaulted the complainant then a 14 year girl by fondling her breasts and touching her thighs. The complainant was a Form 1 pupil at the material time and the appellant was her English teacher. The appellant was sentenced to 36 months imprisonment of which 12 months imprisonment was suspended for 5 years on the usual conditions and the remaining 24 months was suspended on condition the appellant... More

On 12 February 2020, the High Court handed down judgment directing the appellant to refund to the respondent the sum of ZWL 545 058, 14 together with interest at the prescribed rate reckoned from September 2002. It also ordered the appellant to pay the respondent’s costs of suit. This appeal is against the whole of that judgment. BACKGROUND On 18 June 2002 the respondent, which is anincorporation registered in Zimbabwe, purchased 30 motor vehicles from Japan which were quickly shipped to Durban in South Africa on 29 July 2002. On 2 August 2002 the Minister of Finance published General Notice... More

On 1st December 2020 we ordered that the respondent’s name be deleted from the register of legal practitioners, notaries and conveyancers. A request has been made for our reasons for purposes of appeal. The respondent was admitted to practice law in 2011. At the time of the present allegations he was employed as a professional assistant by Magwaliba and Kwirira Legal Practitioners in Chiredzi. He was made to appear before this tribunal on allegations of misappropriation of trust funds and theft. More

The respondent was registered to practice law in this country on 5 March 1997. The applicant seeks the deletion of the respondent’s name from the register of legal practitioners, notaries and conveyancers on account of several complaints of misconduct. More