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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by year
In the process of executing a judgment of the High Court against B. M. Graphics (the judgment debtor), the sheriff placed under judicial attachment certain movable property found at stand no. 499 Goodwin Road, Willowvale, Harare. The appellant lay a claim to that property resulting in interpleader proceedings being instituted. More

On 18 September 2020 the appellant was convicted of the offence of assault as defined in s 89 (1) (a) of the Criminal Law (Codification and Reform) Act [Chapter 9:23]. He was duly sentenced to 12 months imprisonment of which 3 months imprisonment were suspended for 5 years on condition the appellant does not commit any offence involving assault for which he is sentenced to imprisonment without the option of a fine. Effective 9 months imprisonment. His co-accused both minors both had passing of sentence postponed. Dissatisfied with the sentence only the appellant lodged the present appeal with this court.... More

Appellant pleaded guilty to the offence of contravening section 10 (7) of the Domestic Violence Act [Chapter 5:16] (fail to comply with terms and conditions of a protection order). More

I heard this matter on 19 March 2021. I delivered an ex tempore judgment in which I dismissed the same with costs. More

This application came by way of a chamber application. Applicant holds an offer letter wherein he was offered Stand 47 in Mont Dor South Farm, Shurugwi measuring 4 hectares. The offer letter is dated 9 February 2010. According to the founding affidavit the following transpired. More

This matter was set down as an application for review at the instance of the applicant employees in a labour dispute pitting them and the respondent employer. The employees raised a point in limine that there was no legal persona before the court in the form of the cited respondent. The employer in response was adamant that it is a legal persona and if the court were to conclude that it was not it then prayed that the review application be consequently struck off the roll as being bad at law it being process against a party not legally recognisable.... More

This is a civil appeal against the whole judgment of the Magistrate’s Court sitting at Mutare on 4 December 2019, where the court dismissed an application for eviction of the respondent from a communal home and farming land situated in Manyanya Village under Chief Marange in Manicaland. More