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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by year
“1.That it be hereby declared that the sudden conduct and/or practice by employers in Zimbabwe (with the 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th and 8th respondents as examples), purportedly as a response to the Covid-19 pandemic, whereby they prohibit unvaccinated employees from reporting for work and from continuing to perform their obligations under subsisting contracts of employment is/are an infringement of the fundamental right to human dignity of the affected employees protected by section 51 of the Constitution of Zimbabwe, 2013. 2. That it be hereby declared that the sudden conduct and/or practice by employers in Zimbabwe (with the 3rd, 4th,... More

This is an application for leave to appeal a judgment of this court to the Supreme Court. After assessing addresses from both parties, the applicant has raised an arguable issue. Further the question of sufficiencyof evidence especially in a situation like the present one would, in my view require that the Supreme Court considers the appeal. More

Applicants seek for the placement of the first respondent under corporate rescue in terms of s121 (a) financially distressed, it having failed to pay accounts in terms of its obligations, and that justice and equity requires that first respondent be resuscitated or rescued given that there are reasonable prospects for such rescue. (i) (ii) (iii) of the Insolvency Act (Chapter 6:07) as read with s124 and 131, on the grounds that it is First respondent opposes the application on the basis that it is not in financial distress, it having paid off all its creditors, and its board is now... More

The Applicant, the Zimbabwe Football Association, is suing out for an order cancelling the attachment of the applicant’s Nostro Account at Ecobank; which attachment was caused by the first to sixteenth respondents, who believe that the applicant is lawfully required to pay their judgment debt in United States dollars. The applicant believes that the respondents are overreaching, in that they are expecting their award monies in amount larger than that which the applicant believes to be due to them. The applicant insists that according to the law, it is indebted to the respondents in local currency in full and final... More

The first respondent identified itself as a membership based organisation acting on behalf of all people conducting business in the informal. All persons conducting business in the informal sector are its members. The second applicant is a natural person who is a citizen of Zimbabwe. The respondent is the Minister of Health and Child Care. More

This is an appeal from the magistrate’s court. It is against an order of summary judgment granted in favour of the respondent against the appellant. At the end of the hearing we dismissed the appeal with costs for lack of merit and delivered our judgment ex tempore. The appellant has appealed to the Supreme Court. Written reasons are now required. More

1. The plaintiff issued summons for civil imprisonment against the defendant for failure to pay a debt in terms of an order granted against him. More