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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by year
A hearing was conducted by the applicants’ disciplinary committee which found the 1st respondent not guilty. The applicant appealed to 2nd respondent. The 2nd respondent heard the appeal and came up with a determination that is the subject of this application for review. More

: On the 4th of June 2021, I gave an order ex tempore as follows. 1. The application be and is hereby granted. 2. The respondent and all those claiming occupation through him be and is hereby ordered to vacate the property called Lot 2736 Core House Turf, Ngezi within seven (7) days of the date of being served with the order. 3. In the event that the respondent fails or refuses to vacate as aforesaid, the Sheriff or his lawful Deputy be and is hereby empowered to evict the respondent and those claiming title through him from Lot 2736... More

The applicant seeks an order for the eviction of the respondent and all those claiming occupation through him from a property known as number 24200 Umvovo, Chegutu ‘the property’. More

This is an appeal against the determination of a labour officer issued on 24 December 2020, in terms of which he found the respondent not guilty of misconduct charges that had been preferred against him by the appellant. More

The first defendant filed a combined special plea and exception to the plaintiff’s summons and declaration. It implored the court to uphold the special plea and the exception, and consequently to dismiss the plaintiff’s claim with costs on the attorney and client scale. The plaintiff opposed both the special plea and the exception. The plaintiff is a trade union established in terms of the Labour Act . It represents the interests of employees of the first defendant, a local authority established in terms of the Rural District Councils Act. The second defendant is a designated agent in the Employment Council... More

MAVANGIRA JA: [1] This is an appeal against the decision of the High Court that set aside the appellant’s decision to cancel the ordinary level examinations results of the respondents’ daughters in all the subjects that they had sat for. More

CHITAKUNYE AJA. This is an appeal against the whole judgment of the Labour Court handed down on 28 June 2019 dismissing the appellant’s appeal against an arbitral award issued on 21 June 2018. More